Friday, August 31, 2012

I'm still alive....

Whew! Life has been exhausting lately and I can hardly wait for tomorrow. I have it off from work!

Last night, we went to the library and on the way we saw my sister! So I embarrassed her by hopping out of the car at a red light, racing around it, and opening her passenger door which was unlocked... and yelling "Hi! Happy Birthday!" Then closing the door and running back to my car. That's what she gets for having her phone off and not having her voicemail set up yet... So there!

So happy birthday my sister!

Anyways, at the library, we are happily visiting in one of the isles (very quietly I promise!) and a librarian organizing books says "SHHHHHHHHHHH" from the isle next to us. My husband asked me "did you hear her laugh from way over there a little bit ago?" So my husband goes over to another section crowded with people where she just happened to be and when she started laughing again, said "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" so loud, I could hear it from 4 isles away.....  Got her back huh?

My body has been feeling much better lately and I've had more energy and feel like I have raw power. I actually feel stronger and can lift more on my heavy trays now at work. So even though work has been stressful, I'm able to survive there. I hope our resident count goes up so we can get more hours and have extra servers on per meal. I'm dying from overload at work with everyone else.

I have been making guacamole fresh and am so proud of my recipe I have finally figured out. It is bursting with so much flavor but I should tone down the garlic a bit. Maybe I might add Jalapeno. I came home from work last night and my husband was convinced I had eaten spaghetti (now how do you do that on raw foods?) because my breath smelled of garlic from eating 2 avocados worth of guacamole that morning for breakfast. PEEEEW! huh? That means I smelled of garlic all day! EM-Bare-A- SING!

Pup Pup looks much different from the last picture you saw of him. he's much more normal looking now.
 He waits and waits next to wherever you are hoping he'll get some kind of petting he don't care how.
 I have been saving up my Armenian cucumbers from the garden. They started to split from the rains. I am planning on making pickles again! (those are soaked almonds in the jar. 1/2 are peeled.)
 And puppy likes to sleep. He still picks a bed to sleep on. Then fluffs it. Then crashes. Sometimes he fluffs both together... I might be weird to think he's absolutely adorable when he's asleep.


Sunday, August 5, 2012


This was my surprise when I came home last night:
My puppy has no hair! "She" (as the ladies who cleaned him up said) was a good "girl"! They must clean so many dogs that they don't notice wieners anymore. Here is our new dog for summer. And to think I had just taken that picture of him with all his fur out in the sun the other day.

See you later! I have a beast now!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Now that I've pulled my head out from under my pillow...

I can live again!

I've had a puky migraine for 2 1/2 days now. I think it's gone now. I only feel little twinges of it reminding me to take it slow and easy or it will come back full force again. It feels like I just woke up. I'm re-energized and actually felt like eating today! I've survived mainly on water and tea the last few days.

So now that life has somewhat returned to normal, I shall show you what caused great excitement in my life this morning!
My lone surviving cucumber plant IS my Armenian cucumber!
 And my green balls is all cantaloupes! I cut one open not fully ripe (cause I couldn't wait) and MMMMMMMMM! notice the baby watermelon starting to grow???
 And 1 big watermelon:
 and thousands more baby watermelons...
 And this puppy. Every time he goes out, he likes to lay in the sun and sunbathe.
 Holy Cow! I never thought I could grow a plant this long! It's all from the pot on top! It shall take over the patio soon! Like a snake...
Have a happy happy day! Cause I shall. (sick of hearing shall yet?) My headaches gone and it shall not return!