Friday, August 3, 2012

Now that I've pulled my head out from under my pillow...

I can live again!

I've had a puky migraine for 2 1/2 days now. I think it's gone now. I only feel little twinges of it reminding me to take it slow and easy or it will come back full force again. It feels like I just woke up. I'm re-energized and actually felt like eating today! I've survived mainly on water and tea the last few days.

So now that life has somewhat returned to normal, I shall show you what caused great excitement in my life this morning!
My lone surviving cucumber plant IS my Armenian cucumber!
 And my green balls is all cantaloupes! I cut one open not fully ripe (cause I couldn't wait) and MMMMMMMMM! notice the baby watermelon starting to grow???
 And 1 big watermelon:
 and thousands more baby watermelons...
 And this puppy. Every time he goes out, he likes to lay in the sun and sunbathe.
 Holy Cow! I never thought I could grow a plant this long! It's all from the pot on top! It shall take over the patio soon! Like a snake...
Have a happy happy day! Cause I shall. (sick of hearing shall yet?) My headaches gone and it shall not return!

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