Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

Check out my garden!
This is all I have left! I got rid of everything else. Do you see that asparagus? It didn't waste any time did it?
We put another offer in for a house we looked at last night. I'm hoping we get it.
Hope this Valentine's Day is a happy one where you don't spend money but just spend time with your loved one! So many people have forgotten that holidays are not for seeing who can spend the most money and have the biggest party but instead were meant for you to take time to spend with your family and loved ones or remember depending on the holiday.
 Marketers have made all holidays into "waste tons of money for crap that will be thrown away or you haven't properly celebrated it" holidays.
And all you get from them is cheap crap that just gets thrown away or breaks right away.
I think to show someone love this holiday is to spend time with them and say you love them and not waste money on material things.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I Love You, Arizona

For those of you who have never been to Arizona,
Here is the Arizona State Song:
This song is one we had to learn in elementary school and after the whole school learned it, the artist Rex Allen Jr. came and gave a presentation to the whole school and sang it and we sang along. I don't know why, but I like this song. Probably because it's about Arizona and I was born here.
Watching that video by Rhett and Link about 15 words a couple post ago, when they talked about petrichore, I thought of that one line in the song "And the smell of the rain on your skin."
The petrichore today was dirty smelling so I take it back. I don't like all petrichore. I guess it's because of where I live, in the city. The petrichore here this morning had a scent of wet asphalt, and wet old dog/cat pee.
I guess if I want true petrichore, I'll have to drive out to the desert and inhale the wet sage brush, cactus, and dirt smell. There is nothing like it. True petrichore at it's finest. 
It's cloudy, cold, and drizzly today. The light coming in my windows makes me want to just go to sleep. So I found this song and it brought sunshine into my house!
I hope you enjoy it!
Everything below this is from the link below:


by Rex Allen, Jr.
I love you, Arizona;
Your mountains, deserts and streams;
The rise of Dos Cabezas*
And the outlaws I see in my dreams;
I love you Arizona,
Superstitions and all;
The warmth you give at sunrise;
Your sunsets put music in us all.
Oo, Arizona; You're the magic in me;
Oo, Arizona, You're the life-blood of me;
I love you Arizona;
Desert dust on the wind;
The sage and cactus are blooming,
And the smell of the rain on your skin.
Oo, Arizona; You're the magic in me;
Oo, Arizona, You're the life-blood of me;
Copyright 1981 by Boxer Music, Nashville, TN
*Dos Cabezas (two heads) are mountain peaks in Cochise County, Arizona

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Guess What?

My asparagus decided to start growing again, and I'm not ready for it... I wish it would just go dormant for at least 1 month and let me take a break from it! Why oh why can it not be like normal asparagus and die down for a while? Now I have to move it back out from under the table out onto my patio! Out of the 4 plants I transplanted into this pot, 3 came back. I guess I wasn't rude enough to them!
Anyways, on a happier note, LOOK!
Do you spy new growth too?
This makes me so happy!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

I like Petrichore

What do all these words have in common?
  • Lunule
  • Glabella
  • Tittle
  • Zarf
  • Frisson
  • Petrichore
  • Interrobang
  • Ferrule
  • Paresthesia
  • Obdormition
  • Wamble
  • Dysania
  • Phosphene
  • Purlicue
  • Philtrum
  • Mondegreen
They are all in this video: