Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

Check out my garden!
This is all I have left! I got rid of everything else. Do you see that asparagus? It didn't waste any time did it?
We put another offer in for a house we looked at last night. I'm hoping we get it.
Hope this Valentine's Day is a happy one where you don't spend money but just spend time with your loved one! So many people have forgotten that holidays are not for seeing who can spend the most money and have the biggest party but instead were meant for you to take time to spend with your family and loved ones or remember depending on the holiday.
 Marketers have made all holidays into "waste tons of money for crap that will be thrown away or you haven't properly celebrated it" holidays.
And all you get from them is cheap crap that just gets thrown away or breaks right away.
I think to show someone love this holiday is to spend time with them and say you love them and not waste money on material things.


  1. Happy Valentine's day!! :-)

  2. Happy Valentine's day!! :-)
