Wednesday, January 23, 2013

2 Room *Deluxe Edition* Update

You are so lucky Blogger decided to fix the button! Cause now you can see my Kitchen and Living room! LUCKY LUCKY YOU!
Kitchen before:
Kitchen after:
 and yessssss. That ball thing hanging above my sink NEEDS TO GO!

Living room before:
Living room after: (but not done and I KNOW the picture is bad and the room's a mess but deal with it. My battery was going to die in my camera and I wanted to upload a picture RIGHT NOW!!!! and I'm sure you'll see another picture of it anyways when it's done so just deal with it!)
So there! I'm back and will be taking you on a tour of my entire house eventually. I still have tons of work (40 hours per week -they just cannot seem to let me take time off!) and I'm still unpacking and moving in and moving things around and then moving them again and then moving them yet again to another spot, so I'm not really ready to show you everything yet, but these 2 rooms are mostly done. I still need a stove and I haven't decorated the living room yet...
See you later! Yay! I can post pictures again!

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