Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Kitchen Disruptions

In the process of getting gas lines in, someone is bored.
He has been stuck upstairs while they drywall the kitchen. Instead of just going all the way upstairs, you know- where it's more comfortable, he decided to sit and wait on the stairs to watch as much as he can. Sitting like this this helps him to look more manly than you can imagine.
This is the kitchen before. Gas lines are in, and straps were put up right after this picture was taken.
This is after the dry wall guys left:
Now, do we dare paint and put the kitchen back together? Or are they going to have to rip it all out again to test and inspect the pipe?
My kitchen's almost done!
We just found out today that the gas won't be here for at least 6 months!
This is lie after lie we keep getting from the HOA. We were supposed to have gas in February. It's 5 months later! We were supposed to have a dog park in January complete with grass! They didn't fence it in until March, and it's still dirt. We were supposed to have a pool this summer! Well, summers almost over and they haven't even started work on it! They were supposed to have a building stuccoed and painted this year so everyone could vote on the color and style for the rest of the buildings, but they decided to do that next year now. Lot's of empty promises yet we still have to pay the HOA to do nothing but tell us stories.
Grumble Grump. We'll just move.

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