Friday, February 18, 2011

Yes!!!!!! I'm back!

My computer wasn't working. We thought we had a virus and we couldn't open pretty much anything on our computer, so we tried to restart the computer to return it back to factory condition, only to have it tell us it was missing "configurations" so My husband unplugged it, and took it in to the company we bought the new motherboard from, and they said "oh! it's our fault! The motherboard's not compatable to your computer system! We'll fix it." So they did and now I have nothing I saved on my computer! I had quick uploaded all my pictures to my blog, but ha ha! you can't see them! So they're saved anyways, but nothing else.

So that's my long story!

Things are changing so fast at my job now! already a week in my new position, and I'm liking it so far! Training new people can be exhausting, but I'm excited cause now things will get easier soon now. I already have one trained and ready to go, and another who seems promising but has only been there 2 days. meanwhile, we have another whose been there a while trying to train, and still just stands around till we notice and tell her what to do cause she never stays with the person trying to train her so I don't think she's going to make it! There's so much to learn in my new position! and sounds like I'll have a new person under me as well now to help me out! I'm excited cause I think the person chosen will be great at it cause we work well together already!

So I'm excited at my new job, and am still alive and I have my own desk and chair! How strange! who would have thought I would be in a position like this? I'm still amazed.

and I have a "new" computer now! It was weird knowing I couldn't just sit down to look something up!

Anyways, have a good night,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I'm waiting to start my new position. I start on Friday. I work 3 hours. Then I don't work till Monday.
I am going to have 1st choice on which 2 weekends I want off a month. I wish I didn't have to work weekends, but more pay equals working 2 weekends a month. Not bad I s'pose. Will have to work 5 days a week now though and will take some getting used to!

I went shopping at Pro's Ranch Market today and bought $22.28 worth of groceries and am proud to say we'll be able to survive off of about $200 in groceries a month! That place has such stinken cheap prices for great quality food! Of course I don't buy junk there at all just mainly fruits and vegetables. At my work, I get free meals of leftovers while I'm there, so I guess that saves us money in the long run. I just have to worry about feeding my man a good meal when I come home! For all else, we go to Fry's or Sunflower Market!

Cruiser's been really needy today! anyone want to come pet him? I played "run around the yard" with him when I came home, and fetch till he was done, which he actually didn't want to play long at all- he just wants to be petted. Don't know why... maybe cause we work long hours and he's home alone a lot? I've come to the realization If we were to give him away, not only would my husband be sad, but Cruiser probably would sit at home waiting till his new owners came home from work. So here he stays. and he's happy enough.
now if I could just figure out how to have kids so I could stay at home too..... Hmmmmmm. sometimes I wonder why God has chosen for me to be childless. But I trust He knows best. I'll just start a career as supervisor while I wait to see if He'll let us have one.

Anyways, I feel like our house has been put on hold till we get the patio roof foamed. Then comes the shingles for the roof, then the ouside of the house will be painted. then I hope by then the other house we've been working on will be on the market or sold so the inside of my house can be painted and furnished and finished so I can live out of my house instead of the garage...
Such big hopes for my future. and so continues the saga of "The Hopeless House On Libby" till it's done.

My work has so much drama right now! between new people starting to employees who've been there a while getting lazy and not working but sitting and monkeying on their phones to people calling out with illness to hurt body parts, while a few employees run the whole place, to the chef doing dishes cause we're short, and being shorthanded all around in the first place, the whole kitchen/dining room has been falling apart in the last couple of months. It'll be a "fun" challenge to work with the chef to bring it all together again! Hope I'm up for the challenge!

Well, my husband just got home, and when he saw the NEEDINESS of our dog, he wants to go on a WALK!!!!!!! :-)))))) I'm so excited cause I've been asking him to take us (me and the dog) on a walk for a long time and now he's waiting for me so Bye!!!!!!

See you later!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today, it was 32 degrees out this morning, and this afternoon it was 37 degrees and all day it's been extremely windy and cold! Arizona feels like the coldest state (to me) in the nation right now! The radio says in their exact words (I remember cause it made me laugh)- "Freeze warning in effect for tonight... tonight bring in your pansies, pets, and children." BRRRRRRRR.

Today started off really badly at work- shorthanded and I was running- literally- the entire time to get everything done on time.

But I came home, and my patio was finished within half an hour after! Then, I went shopping and bought food! Plans are hamburgers tonight cause my husband won't be home in time for us to make it to his parents house where we were invited for supper tonight. And he was so looking foward to the hamburgers they're having!

I got so much grapefruits from work! Someone brought in a huge garbage bag full from their tree to give away. MMMMMMMMMMMM they're so sweet and good! So we are good on food for a while!

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED about my new patio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cruiser likes it too!

I think it's absolutely beautiful and am so excited to use it and plant vines up it and decorate it and live under it and put my new patio furniture under it and sit under it and.....
I am SO EXCITED!!!!!

Now we have to get the roof redone, and then the entire house painted then I can be free to make my new patio even beautifuller!

So weird- I wouldn't recommend eating plain yogurt mixed with chia seeds. Not a good combination. I will have to try with flavored yogurt- would taste much nicer....

I have a feeling of excitement and fullfillment seeing progress around here! MY NEW PATIO!!!!! I'm sooooo excited!

HERES THE NEWS! I'm now going to be the new diningroom supervisor at my work! This is a HUGE promotion for me! I've never ever worked my way up into new positions with a job before!

My life finally feels needed cause they see something in me as useful- my boss' both thought of me as a first choice for the position after they heard the current supervisor they were getting tired of babysitting put her 2 weeks in! They say I will be great at it. So I am excited but almost terrified at the thought I will now be in charge of making sure the dining room is run smoothly as the last 2 supervisors were not suited at all for the position and only caused problems for all the staff in the past and the staff is sick of supervisors!

So I feel a lot is on my shoulders, but feel lucky cause I saw the problems the old ones caused and why they weren't liked and know have learned from them. Now I just need a good example, and they're willing to train me with the best diningroom supervisor out of all their facilities! So I'm really excited I'll be able to watch and learn from a pro before being thrown out to the wolves!

So that is my news I held back from my last post! I had to be certain it would happen. They're going to do an anouncement at work letting everyone know of my new position, but until then, no one else knows but select few. So know it's out and I start next Friday. So goodbye weekends and free days! I'm now no longer free and always on call!

Anyways, Have a great day!