Friday, February 18, 2011

Yes!!!!!! I'm back!

My computer wasn't working. We thought we had a virus and we couldn't open pretty much anything on our computer, so we tried to restart the computer to return it back to factory condition, only to have it tell us it was missing "configurations" so My husband unplugged it, and took it in to the company we bought the new motherboard from, and they said "oh! it's our fault! The motherboard's not compatable to your computer system! We'll fix it." So they did and now I have nothing I saved on my computer! I had quick uploaded all my pictures to my blog, but ha ha! you can't see them! So they're saved anyways, but nothing else.

So that's my long story!

Things are changing so fast at my job now! already a week in my new position, and I'm liking it so far! Training new people can be exhausting, but I'm excited cause now things will get easier soon now. I already have one trained and ready to go, and another who seems promising but has only been there 2 days. meanwhile, we have another whose been there a while trying to train, and still just stands around till we notice and tell her what to do cause she never stays with the person trying to train her so I don't think she's going to make it! There's so much to learn in my new position! and sounds like I'll have a new person under me as well now to help me out! I'm excited cause I think the person chosen will be great at it cause we work well together already!

So I'm excited at my new job, and am still alive and I have my own desk and chair! How strange! who would have thought I would be in a position like this? I'm still amazed.

and I have a "new" computer now! It was weird knowing I couldn't just sit down to look something up!

Anyways, have a good night,

1 comment:

  1. Hi! No updates but I keep checking in... I'm sure you're super busy working so many hours now and learning new stuff. I was wondering what that food video was called? I started watching food inc until I was too nauseated about the thought of food that I thought I better stop. haha! Anyways, didn't know if that was the one you watched.
