Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Holy Cucumber!

Guess what I picked this morning?
I couldn't decide which picture, so you get 2

My stove looks so small now!
My baby pineapple plants are still living!
And my garden groweth still.
I had a purple potato for breakfast and ramen noodles. very healthy huh?

We had a guy come give a quote on painting the outside of our house this morning. ouch! at least this guy is cheaper than the others and he seems to know what hes talking about. He has a beautiful website and told us we could print off a 10% off coupon there.

Tonight we go to Benihana for my sister's birthday.

See ya later!

Monday, August 29, 2011


I finally decided to upload some videos I had in my camera for a while.

I did upload a video I made this morning 1st though, so now they're out of order, but I don't care. They're uploaded.
Here's my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/203948tag if you want to see the other videos.
There's even a video of Cruizer making a fool of himself with socks on!

Here's my garden this morning:
Check out that armenian cucumber! It kinda grew over the weekend while we were on vacation!


My house is still clean, and I'm still proud of me for coming up with the wonderful idea to clean it before we left!

So, hope you have a good day! I'll write more tomorrow!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


First to start out, we took the tree down about a week ago.
 with the help of this and drill bits, a drywall saw, and pick and shovel. (and the truck to pull it over)

Here's how our vacation started out:
We got stuck for 1 hour 20 minutes on the freeway because someone decided to drive off the road down a cliff and kill themselves. So the long wait was for the police to measure everything and take pictures, a helicopter to come out and leave right away, and wait for a coroner to come out and say "Yup! they're dead..." and than we could go.
Couldn't quite figure out how they would decide to go from the inside lane to the outside lane and straight off a cliff, almost perpendicular to the road, barely missing the guardrail by about 2 feet.....  I'd have rather just hit the guardrail... But I guess people are entitled to their own decisions.

While we were stopped, I had to entertain the dog. He went potty 3 times in front of everyone stopped, took me on a tour of the median between the freeway lanes, scared a tiny little spoiled chihuahua  doing the same thing, (the poor tiny dog poofed up a tiny little ridge along it's spine, and growled with it's tail between it's legs) poor thing.

Anyways, while we were investigating the median, I happened to feel my foot sink into the ground into a tarantula lair (mind you I was wearing my cute flip flops) and I was very frightened to see a tarantula lunge out towards my bare foot! My reaction caused another stranded motorist to come investigate and he took pictures of the tarantula: (I did too- after all, I found it)
Oh I was shaking for a while!

After we started going again, It started raining.
After we reached the cabin, we had maybe a 20 minute wait cause we grabbed the wrong set of keys and had to wait for the rest of the group to show up. It got dark not long after.

But when we finally got out the next morning, oh the beautiful sights!!!! So many pretty flowers!  I especially love these dark red ones!
are these elderberries?
 ooooh! so pretty! these were a dark orange variety of the dark red ones.
My mother-in-laws pretty lilies
 beautiful stream ( I don't know who or what put that flower there -it was there when we walked up.)
We went on a tour of downtown Flagstaff, did some shopping at crowded Target, ( I think Saturday is THE DAY to go shopping there in Flagstaff) But I LOVE Target! We bought out their selection of candy and ice cream.

And guess what supper was? Spaghetti the first night, second night, Quesadillas! MMMMMMMMM!

Here's the monster taking a walk by the stream this morning! So fun! It's so pretty down there, and with the monster dog crashing through, you don't get much time to smell the flowers, but.... hee hee I video-ed him!!!!

AND..... on the way home, I ate the chocolate off of the rest of my 3 musketeers mini candy bars and then ate all the fillings last!!!! MMMMMMMMMMM! yep, I stuck them sticky and all on my purse. (HEY! my purse is washable, the car not so easily.)
So, that was my vacation. And now I'm home in my wonderfully clean house- I scrubbed it before I left.
I had a wonderful time, and hope you had a good weekend as well.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hee Hee

In the midst of eating an apple she found on the ground under an apple tree:
"What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? a half a worm!"- Nancy Today

She is so funny!

She has a YouTube channel.

Guess where I'm going!!!! Flagstaff!!!!!! VACATION!!!!

4 day weekened!!!!
YAY!!!!! I'll see you later!
Have fun cause I will!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Well here I be

I be still here.

I walked into work on Sunday and said "here I be" and they all laughed and looked shocked and had to take second glances to reassure themselves, that, "YUP! There she was!" and I was there even though I wasn't supposed to be- at least on the schedule. But I make the schedule, and I fixed it right up. I work Sunday, off Monday, work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, have Friday, Saturday, Sunday OFF!!!!!

Yay!!! 3 day weekend!!! Then next weekend, I get 4 days off!!! Yay!!! I get 2 weekends in a row!!! and when I asked my boss if I could have the next 2 Sundays off if it would be fair to my assistant, (since I haven't had the last 3 off,) she said, "you're the supervisor, You tell her you get the next 2 weekends off" So I shall.

Being boss and making the schedules sure has it's perks sometimes huh???

And it is late, so goodnight! :-)

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I have been working 12 days in a row. I'll admit 1 of them was off. I am so tired and waiting to have a day off. It was planned I would get Sunday-Tuesday off. I requested PTO for Tuesday so no one's touching my Tuesday!!!

I sent my assistant on a week and a half break from work, and then I got a call last night after
9PM (their last day of vacation) that they just left the ER and they have a sprained ankle. So guess where that leaves me? Another day of work. 13 days. I am waiting impatiently to go. Then I'll be done sooner, but the time is crawling by. 2 days of break unless we can figure out another day I can have off.

Why??? Why me??? I was so excited to get 3 days off in a row and now I won't. I'm going to try convince my boss that I can have Wednesday off. Then I get 3 off in a row.

I'll be finding another server to cover their Monday if their ankle's still not better... I'm hoping it will be cause I'm done working. I'm tired. I'm not mad at them cause I know they wouldn't do it on purpose they're not that type of person, and I'm sure they feel miserable. But what luck on my part huh???

Not much new around here but work and horrible house responsibility duties. my house is falling apart around me and I can't keep up! It's hard to have to work full time and care for an entire house by yourself at the same time. Especially when you're not sleeping well! I feel like moving into a smaller house so I can keep up on it. Less to clean is still my motto.

So, you might get something more interesting to read after I resurface!
Hope you get sleep and fun! Have a good day!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm Back!

I seriously feel as if I'm back to the land of living. Even though my house died and stinks like rot.
Here are the updates:    (notice: there are no pictures of inside the house but the closeup of the cucumber on the table.)  
                         We went here it seems forever ago. Pretty good resturant. They even serve frog legs. My husband doesn't recomend them though. I 'bout lost my food watching him sample them...
 And my beautiful tree I grew from a seed... 1 by 1 the branches started breaking cause I don't have a proper saw to trim it up. So, we chopped it down...
 so heavy with branches on 1 side since they all broke off the other side...
 taller than the saguaro...
 left with a stump... I'm so sad about this.
 Here was the last branch to break off on it's own. can you tell we left it there to dry a while?
 BUT: there's new life in my garden!!!!   Zinnias!

 and HUGE cucumbers bigger than my hand.
 So big, it's bigger than my 15 inch ruler. So big, it's about 17 1/2 inches!
 So big, that when you cut it in 1/2, they are about 3 inches across!
Armenian cucumbers. They are so sweet and good!

It's so weird a couple days after you get over a headache. It always feels like I just got up from a deep nap. I always feel so calm and rested even though I'm exhausted and tired. Must be the fog migraines put you in have lifted... I don't know, but I'm feelin pretty good!

Guess I'm to head out the door right now to buy icecream with my husband!
See ya later!