Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Well here I be

I be still here.

I walked into work on Sunday and said "here I be" and they all laughed and looked shocked and had to take second glances to reassure themselves, that, "YUP! There she was!" and I was there even though I wasn't supposed to be- at least on the schedule. But I make the schedule, and I fixed it right up. I work Sunday, off Monday, work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, have Friday, Saturday, Sunday OFF!!!!!

Yay!!! 3 day weekend!!! Then next weekend, I get 4 days off!!! Yay!!! I get 2 weekends in a row!!! and when I asked my boss if I could have the next 2 Sundays off if it would be fair to my assistant, (since I haven't had the last 3 off,) she said, "you're the supervisor, You tell her you get the next 2 weekends off" So I shall.

Being boss and making the schedules sure has it's perks sometimes huh???

And it is late, so goodnight! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully you can get some time off!! Way too much working if you ask me :)
