Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm Back!

I seriously feel as if I'm back to the land of living. Even though my house died and stinks like rot.
Here are the updates:    (notice: there are no pictures of inside the house but the closeup of the cucumber on the table.)  
                         We went here it seems forever ago. Pretty good resturant. They even serve frog legs. My husband doesn't recomend them though. I 'bout lost my food watching him sample them...
 And my beautiful tree I grew from a seed... 1 by 1 the branches started breaking cause I don't have a proper saw to trim it up. So, we chopped it down...
 so heavy with branches on 1 side since they all broke off the other side...
 taller than the saguaro...
 left with a stump... I'm so sad about this.
 Here was the last branch to break off on it's own. can you tell we left it there to dry a while?
 BUT: there's new life in my garden!!!!   Zinnias!

 and HUGE cucumbers bigger than my hand.
 So big, it's bigger than my 15 inch ruler. So big, it's about 17 1/2 inches!
 So big, that when you cut it in 1/2, they are about 3 inches across!
Armenian cucumbers. They are so sweet and good!

It's so weird a couple days after you get over a headache. It always feels like I just got up from a deep nap. I always feel so calm and rested even though I'm exhausted and tired. Must be the fog migraines put you in have lifted... I don't know, but I'm feelin pretty good!

Guess I'm to head out the door right now to buy icecream with my husband!
See ya later!

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