Sunday, August 14, 2011


I have been working 12 days in a row. I'll admit 1 of them was off. I am so tired and waiting to have a day off. It was planned I would get Sunday-Tuesday off. I requested PTO for Tuesday so no one's touching my Tuesday!!!

I sent my assistant on a week and a half break from work, and then I got a call last night after
9PM (their last day of vacation) that they just left the ER and they have a sprained ankle. So guess where that leaves me? Another day of work. 13 days. I am waiting impatiently to go. Then I'll be done sooner, but the time is crawling by. 2 days of break unless we can figure out another day I can have off.

Why??? Why me??? I was so excited to get 3 days off in a row and now I won't. I'm going to try convince my boss that I can have Wednesday off. Then I get 3 off in a row.

I'll be finding another server to cover their Monday if their ankle's still not better... I'm hoping it will be cause I'm done working. I'm tired. I'm not mad at them cause I know they wouldn't do it on purpose they're not that type of person, and I'm sure they feel miserable. But what luck on my part huh???

Not much new around here but work and horrible house responsibility duties. my house is falling apart around me and I can't keep up! It's hard to have to work full time and care for an entire house by yourself at the same time. Especially when you're not sleeping well! I feel like moving into a smaller house so I can keep up on it. Less to clean is still my motto.

So, you might get something more interesting to read after I resurface!
Hope you get sleep and fun! Have a good day!!!

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