Friday, June 29, 2012

Randomness on Friday

Saw this in the parking lot today: Duct tape fixes EVERYTHING! All Better!
And we came home to this on the floor.
 Right here:
 See this?
 Yeah. he has no regrets.
Why oh why do I forget about things like this when I go places??????

Fire in the Sky

First, just to prove what I said about Lucy: She could care less about the dog too.
 And the sky a couple days ago?   
 When you live in a state like Arizona, you come to expect the fire in the sky at night if there are clouds.

 And my garden, It's slowly filling up:
 Yup, it sure is. Only about 90% dirt now.
See ya later!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

hee hee snicker snort!

Guess what I found online?

"Urban legend also has it that the city of Blythe, Calif., bans people from wearing cowboy boots unless they own at least two cows. However, even the city manager of Blythe has never heard of that rule being enforced, so you’re probably safe in those boots."

AAAAK! Mom! guess you hafta buy 4 cows because you own 2 pairs of boots! (cause I think you only own 2 pairs...)

I'll come over and pet them for you once a week....

I dunno. Maybe I find this funny cause it's late and I'm tired? Good night.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The grass is greener...?

 A week ago:
 The watermelon is vining...
 The cats are cute:

 Lucy smelling the camera while I take a picture of Ollie:
Today starts my 10 days on and 4 days off at work. I'm exhausted thinking about it already, but it will be a vacation when I get my first 4 day weekend! I can't wait and it feels like these 10 days will go by so slowly.

 Soon I get to see my brother who is coming all the way from Alaska!

I'm also excited because it feels like summers starting when the 4 day weekends start!

Today is the day we will have camera crews filming our house and they will put it on TV. We will have hopefully more advertisements that way.
See you later!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Meet Ollie and Lucy

Sir Ollibus Newton and Madam Lucifer hath joined us for a few days:
 They have the whole room and they choose to sleep in the little den my husband made for them. Well Ollie anyways. Lucy chose to squish under the towel and lay by the side. The litter box is on top of a huge disposable blue plastic tablecloth.
 They arrived in this carrier: (which Ollie peed through and dumped his entire bladder's contents down the hole in my car that the seat buckle comes out of, but that's a whole other story. It's washed and drying now. (and I won't have to worry about anyone stealing my car now! :-D )Which also required baths for the cats which made me nickname Lucy Lucifer, which then turned into a bath for the dog which I needed a shower after, so everyone was clean and fresh smelling.)
First things first. I picked this zinnia from my asparagus bed.
 And packaged it for a trip.
 It was wilty sad in the car. I planted it and forgot to take a picture of it at my moms house (mom! What did you have an empty pot of dirt for with a hole in the center with the dirt wet for anyways? I planted it there hoping all the while there weren't seeds in there.)
 I forgot to take a picture of it's new home because: shock... gasp...
 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why does this always happen when you're on vacation mom? My husband figured out what was wrong with the timer -it was set to not water on Sundays? what?
 Wilty wilty sad.
 Droopy wilty sad.
 Melty wilty droopy sad. The Rhubarb.  NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
 The berries were dry looking, but not too droopy surprisingly. maybe the little bit of shade from their protective cage kept them cooler. I picked raspberries! MMMMMMMM!
And now, this:    
1st up, Ollie made them both stuck after Lucy figured out how to open the closet door, went in and Ollie followed and sat down, making the door bulge out, which made the opening smaller and he couldn't get out.
Here, me and Cruizer follow Ollie.
Ollie could care less that there's a dog around
And Lucy being sweet. Notice the scratch on my arm? Thanks Lucifer.
And that's the start to my week!
I was so exhausted yesterday, I slept well last night!
See you later!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day Dad!

I think this may be the first time you're on vacation for Father's Day. I am fatherless and same with my husband. Both our fathers are on vacation.

Kind of a weird feeling to know you need to celebrate a holiday and the people you're supposed to celebrate aren't here.

I guess I will call, but it's not the same.

Happy Father's Day! Hope your vacation is fun!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

New growth in the jungle

My little pineapples have shot up in height and are growing fast with new growth. I guess you can't really see them. They are in the back. The new growth is a vibrant green.
My older ones are getting taller. Does that mean they might grow a pineapple this year? I hope so.
 The grass is greening up:
Have a happy day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I forgot to tell you on the way back from Crown King, we stopped in Cleater to buy pop and Popsicles and ice cream. Shwann's either delivers way out there, or they go pick it up. They were pretty good!

I didn't take a picture of the town, but it only had maybe 5 buildings there and 2 friendly excited dogs to welcome you. Dogs are allowed in the store. Which was also a bar. Which also had BBQ food in crock pots. It looked like all 5 locals were there. One of the dogs was so cute and I swear it was a puppy! It's ears just flopped over and jiggled at the tips every time it moved! It couldn't believe we came all the way just to see it! It stood on it's hind legs with it's front paws at the top of the ice cream freezer trying to see what we were getting. So cute!

But like I said, I didn't think to take a picture in Cleater. If you follow the roads, there it is, between the Bumble Bee exit and Crown King.

An Update for the backyard:
we finally fertilized the grass! Now the wait to see if it greens up any.
 The garden is filling in:
 Potatoes are growing:
 Strawberries decided to grow more fruit:
 Zinnias and Green beans are taking over:
 I haven't the heart to pull these zinnias up, but I really should. they are popping up everywhere there is water!
 And my date palms and agave cactus's are doing well. The top two in the black plastic pot are my heirloom tomatoes I still haven't potted!
 This agave looks like it'll give me 2! I'm excited to see what my other root pieces will give me! They've just stayed green so we'll see if they take.
I've started eating more vegetables and fruits and I'm feeling much better! I thought for a while I was going to die of exhaustion! My foot gets better and then hurts again, so no new news on that.
Have a great day!