Sunday, June 3, 2012


I have a hitch in my get-along.
You can't really see it, but my right foot is a little swollen. It's bruised inside. (look at my toes) And the horrible thing about it is I can't see it, and I have no idea how it became hurt. About half a week of limping made one of the resident's at work tell me:
"You have a hitch in your get-along."

And yup. I do. And still do.

Been putting it off getting it seen because it's not swollen so it must not be broken right? Dislocated? Doesn't appear so. So I'll have a hitch in my get-along until it goes away.

No swelling makes it difficult to convince others at work that it really does hurt. And the absence of bruising doesn't help either. But I never swell or bruise except on rare occasions.

I took some time off work this week to try heal it, and feel exhausted from it. Why I don't know. It should be restful to sit at home with our foot up with ice on it, or in a hot Epsom salt bath all day. But I'm not feeling rested. It consumes excess energy to limp to the point of exhaustion.

Anyways, that's your update for the last week. Hope yours didn't have a hitch in your get-along!
Have a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch.. That doesnt sound fun at all. I hope it goes away soon. What a cute thing for them to say. It took me awhile to get it :)
