Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pretty orange like pumpkins!

I fixed my blog. I was so sick of that pink for a long time and finally remembered how to change it. Orange looks lots nicer I think!
         I've had a very lazy day today. Not much going on. Just a day of relaxing for me and my husband. He actually got up early! About 10:30AM! I was so impressed!

I should go out and dig up my sweet potatoes, but I don't feel like it yet. I read somewhere that the starches change to sugars and the potatoes get sweeter if you leave them in the ground till after the first frost, but no longer. it hasn't froze yet, but has gotten cooler. I don't know if that qualifies, but I'm getting excited to dig them up and see how many I grew this year! Maybe I'll do that today!

       Then I have laundry and my entire house to clean. I don't like cleaning my house. I feel like moving to a smaller house so I'll have less to clean! My husband likes big houses, and then won't help me clean it. I think a small house is perfect- costs less to heat or cool, easier to clean and maintain, and there are so many other benifits and I have a difficult time trying to convince my husband a small house is better!
Maybe I am just lazy! Thats probably all it is!

My motto is still less to clean and I'm still going to get rid of a lot more things just as soon as I can get into all the stuff in the garage! For some reason we piled all the big things like shelves and dressers in front of all the smaller things that I have wonderfull plans to get rid of, so it's all sealed in waiting for our house to get painted and then we can move the big things out and uncover all our treasures trash!!!
I can't wait! everytime I've gotten rid of stuff, I've felt so free! now living in my house right now, the only decorations I have are houseplants and 1 vase and a fake tree! so easy to clean you think! But I'm missing the biggest thing about cleaning- MOTIVATION!!!!!

I did organize the desk drawer and the dreaded drawer of papers that always builds up! So I really did do something productive!Well, I'm going out to dig potatoes! Will update you with the harvest!
Till later,

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