Saturday, November 13, 2010

FREE!!!! (of the roach motel)

I'm free at last, but will have to go back to the roach motel to pick up my last check next Friday.
I have to work in the kitchen tonight at church, and tomorrow morning. I also received a call yesterday that I'm on the coffee committee tomorrow night. so when it rains, it pours!
I made pasta last night. MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! It was the best yet I have ever made! I kneaded the dough extra long and used less egg this time so I think thats why it was so nice and aldente instead of soggy! I also rolled it out thicker than normal.
I made a lot and froze some after it dried for later.

then I cooked some up, drizzled it with first cold pressed extra virgin olive oil (which is the absolute best tasting stuff on the planet-besides chocolate avocado pudding), and put it on plates,

added deliciously thick spagetti sauce, sprinkled parmesan cheese on my husbands (I don't like it on spagetti)
toasted up some garlic bread-didn't take a picture- and ate. it was so good! Sometimes I impress myself.
MMMMMM see those yummy garlic chunks?

here's Cruiser with his blue squeeky ball. He loves his squeeky balls- you can see his green one in the background, along with a tennis ball. this dog lives for any game involving throwing a ball. here he's trying to give it to me to throw.

before the party- my kitchen getting painted. almost there!

closeup of the intricate details of many layers of different colored paint and unpainted texture, and paint cutting done before painting. (this is the wall in my kitchen) I'm glad you can't see this part anymore.....

another attractive picture of the dog and his blue ball..... no other explanation needed.
see how fuzzy he is after his bath though? his shampoo makes him smell like marshmallows.....
This is a picture of my husband's plate of food from the Pink Lotus where we had takeout about a month ago. I was shocked when he told me he was hungry and proceeded to dump the entire contents of his order on his plate and then ate it. I guess he WAS hungry!! and he's not fat at all and not a fat roll in sight on him! And me, well we won't even go there. let's just say, if I ate all that, it would form a roll the same size on my belly without any trouble. aparently 2 different metabolisms here.
plotch- thats the sound of the splat of dumping it on the plate- notice the splatters on the placemat? :-)
Thats a mountain of rice and onions huh? It was very spicy mongolian beef or something.
Leave it to my husband to make it an "attractive" presentation! :-)

ANYWAYS, enough of my yapping. I gotta bring lights over to the house we're fixing up because my husband forgot them and called me to bring them, and it's 1:01PM and I'm still in my PJ's and I have to get ready for Bible Camp soon! So will update you later!
Make it a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Your homemade noodles look delicious! I hope I can try make some someday...
