Friday, March 4, 2011


I am so exhausted lately and went home after work yesterday with a migraine. It then stayed with me all night and is very small this morning. I think today calls for a nap before work if I can squeeze it in.

Work. seems it's always on my mind now.
We had to let that newer trainee go who'd been there for a month now and still couldn't handle serving just 4 people. felt bad, but we couldn't take it anymore and now we can hire up someone else who can help us out.
We also switched lead servers and the old one isn't taking it too well, and is angry with me and Chef so makes work more stressfull. not only by telling me what to do, but also now the new lead server. Problem Child that one is. Hopefully Chef can help me out on that one.

I'm so excited though! Winter services were a wonderful vacation from work even though I had no time at home to clean or do anything! And my wonderful marvelous brother is back for 11 whole days! It's exciting to see him again and I'm hoping he'll be coming to visit at my house soon! He has such big plans for his entire vacation! I'll probably be squeezed into his schedual sometime I'm hoping! I tried to have him come over yesterday morning, and one of my servers had to go home sick right after they got there so I couldn't find anyone else to go in, so now with my new responsibilities I had to go in and cancel my life to work. and short handed they were so I'm glad I was able to help them out. I would have just sat in the middle of the dining room floor and cried if I was in their position! We also have that great new virus at work thats been going around the city- FLU. I'm glad I havn't gotten it yet! I've been exposed twice now. Just makes work more work cause we have to bleach down all the tables and chairs after each meal!

I so badly want to go see my cousins' new babies and I can't cause I keep getting exposed to the flu and would feel so bad if I gave it to one of those babies!

So here at home and at work I stay. counting down the days till my next 4 day weekend! I hope we can wipe the flu out at work so I can visit those babies on my weekend!

Sorry no pictures today, but I felt bad and had to post even though I don't have anything "important" to say. I feel all my words here are garbled messes and can't get over the fact people actually read them! I keep putting off posting though cause what can I tell you about- work? 

well, I'm going to go eat breakfast before my empty stomach eats a hole through my skin and try nap or something! 7:37 and no calls yet of being shorthanded! Sounds like I'm free till my schedualed time! YES!!!

isn't it odd how I posted this at 7:40 and is says I posted it an hour earlier? I seriously wasn't even out of bed at that time! I got up 7:02.

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