Thursday, March 31, 2011


There aren't usually times like this that happen anymore. I have work at 11:00 and a little while yet and 1 million things I could be doing like pulling up weeds, planning my garden, cleaning my house, giving the dog a bath, doing dishes...  So many things, and I feel bored cause I don't have plans to do anything! So what can I do?


1 by 1 all the roofs in my neighborhood are getting reshingled. So everyday there are the sounds of hammers, and shovels and every once in a while mexican music from various parts of the neighborhood. I'll be glad when they're all done including mine.

The other house is almost finished! It only needs the very bottom of the outside walls painted, and the bathroom and laundry room cleaned. It also needs some yardwork. Then I'll remop the floors and maybe wax them so they look better and then hopefully it will sell. We're trying to get it on the market this week.

This is exciting news to me cause soon my house can be worked on and maybe the bathroom in my bedroom will finally be usable! only the toilet works in there right now.

TO DO CHECKLIST for my house:
*Bathroom- install sink and shower/sink fixtures and shower doors
*Laundry room- add shelving for pantry/ laundry stuff
*Paint house inside and out
*drywall in the bathroom, closet and laundry
*sprinkler system
*Organize garage
*Garage sale with 50% of our stuff

SEE? ALMOST DONE! It'll only take another 2 years probably the rate we're going!

Well, gotta go get things ready for work! gotta leave in 1/2 hour!
Later! Trisha

Monday, March 28, 2011


In the midst of me always trying to eat better, I just ate 4 doughnuts. 4 of them -2 chocolate with sprinkles, one with carmel, and one plain. and I enjoyed them and even licked my fingers.

Does that make me unhealthy?

I just spent an entire day doing nothing. I sat on the computer for a while figuring out a 7 day vacation for 2 that would cost $1,015.40 including 4 day hopper passes to all the Disney world parks , airline tickets and a hotel, and my husband said no I can't book it. It's all the way in Florida where he had a brochure in his truck about a month ago for about $2000 from a travel agency. I think I found a great deal. I was so excited and proud of my find too! :-( So now what? will I ever get a vacation?

We went all the way down to the town of Maricopa yesterday to see family and I was immediately saddened that anyone would want to live there cause you drive through dirt and dead brown bushes and stumps after leaving the city till you get there. Then the small houses are about 2 inches apart, and there's a few stores there. Then when we were leaving, I couldn't help but make a face and gag at the horrible smell of old wet horse manure and pee that just hung in the air coating your lungs till you felt sick.
I felt like telling all that live there that the true city doesn't smell like that. I couldn't even see where the horses were cause it wasn't even farm land there! so where did the smell come from? Mysterious!

I had a ton of fun there though seeing my 2nd cousin and great aunt. Do you know that my cousin looks just like my uncle? I was shocked cause I don't think I've seen that lady in my entire life and there she was looking just like everyone else I grew up with! Weird I tell you! and the pets at that house! They were so cute! well 2 of them anyways. I had to try keep my ankles away from that growling chihuahua! the other dog was the sweetest thing and that cat was precious. We had a wonderful BBQ with coneys and potato salad with 1001 other choices to fill your plate up with and we had a fire to toast peeps over and it was a fun time.

Ever toast a peep? Nice and crunchy on the outside, gooey warm and tender on the inside. a wonderful delicacy!

EAT A PEEP! THERE IN SEASON YOU KNOW! that was from a March magazine a year ago! I saved the article cause it made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes!

every year I buy a package of them gross things and just about the same time you are finishing the last one, you feel like puking! but I do it every year, and also every year, I dump the rest of the sugar left in the package the same color as the peeps were from all the dye into my mouth and crunch it all down. then I don't eat another usually till the next year!

It's a good system! the trick is to eat them fast so you can finish them all before your body has time to recognize what you're doing to it and reject them and yell at you stop or I'll puke it up!!!!!! and then you can't eat the last one... but you always feel sick after anyways... so you force yourself to finish it all up! It's fun though!

I love walking in the Easter isles in stores around this time of year only to smell the scented Easter grass. That was my favorite memory growing up.. smelling the grass in my basket! It smelled even better than the candy! I also loved the other treasures in my basket that you couldn't eat cause they lasted longer than the candy and I loved how they brought back Easter memories everytime I used them! We always got a big chocolate rabbit too! I'd always try save mine for last!

EASTER! It's coming!

I just received a phone call from one of the servers from work that I'll have to drive down to unlock the fridge so they can remove the juices from the refridgerated juice dispenser to lock it up for the night. I said just shut off the light on the machine door and leave them in there cause I'm not driving 1/2 hour there to unlock and 1/2 hour back home! Sheesh! common sense would tell you "so what!" It's just juice and the caregivers have a key to the new fridge locks anyways we're finding out!  Makes more work for us cause we have to lock up all the food- remove it from the kitchen and lock it in the pantry or the fridge! All cause the caregivers eat anything they find! can't they just pack their own food?

Cruiser chewed up his squeeky ball, so we had to bring him to Pet'smart about a week ago to buy 2 new ones! He LOVES PETSMART! he starts whining as soon as he sees the building!

Goodnight! Write later!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Why is it that when I'm starting to be happy with my house finally this has to happen????

I found out last night that I really do take a second or 2 before going inside after work to admire my cactuses I grew from branches off my old cactuses at my other house. cause the shock at what someone did to my cactus was enough to almost send me to the loony bin. I have babied those cactuses and made myself late to work somedays watering them if they looked dry and always worried about the freeze killing them, and always had plans that if I move I'm going to take a cutting again to grow at my new house.....

This beautiful little cactus always meant a lot to me and now someone rudly slashed it and didn't even leave me the cuttings to try grow in case they killed it! And I look at my little cactus and am sad now cause it was growing so tall and now that the growing ends are hacked off will only branch out as it gets higher. And look ugly.
                                                  3 hacked branches
the thiner one in the middle is the one I started with.It's only grown 3 branches in 3 years.
                                  It's going to take a looooong time to recover.
This is how tall it was -well almost. this is the other little cactus that's closer to the road that I also grew from a cutting the same time. this one is not much to be proud of, but they skipped over it to get to my nice one. my favorite cactus. the pretty one so thats how I know they meant it to cut that one on purpose!

Ruined is all it is. I silently went in, and brought my husband out to show him, and he said what? so I pointed and said I want to move now. and he said no.
why do people have to be so uncaring in this world and so rude and selfish? if they would have asked, I would have trimmed off an arm that's not growing straight like the others are and kept the others to grow taller like I wanted! Am I selfish? But it's my cactus! I was just admiring it the other day noting how much taller and grand it was and how soon it will reach the glory of how big the other cactuses I grew it from a cutting from!

It dissapoints me that they took the cuttings cause now instead of vandelism, they now also stole from me. and I now know they are trying to grow them from the cuttings! and is it mean for me to wish they shrivel up, and mold and don't take?

And I'm also sad I didn't take my camara out to snap a picture or 2 when I admired the growth a few days ago!

This house on Libby is still HOPELESS CAPITALIZED now. Theres nothing else to it.

I really want to move now cause there are selfish rude people here! I can't feel anything is safe now and someone's going to try steal anything of mine anyway they can.

Here are my other cactuses: They most all have some memory to them.

                              This one I grew from a cutting from the cactus at my old house
Also this one from a cutting from another cactus at the old house
 This one was given to me from a lady I babysat for. She didn't like it and wanted geraniums in her pot instead. It has turned into a huge puffball since I got it! She had maybe 10 spiny branches on it when I got it- it wasn't very pretty. I have babied this one as well. I think it froze a bit over winter though.
 This is the smaller of the 2 agave I drove over and dug out of some really dry rocky soil from a lady on Craigslist who wanted a different yard. It has opened up and turned beautiful in the year I've had it. I thought I had lost it not to long after I got it to slugs or shock, but one day it returned to the cactus land of living and beautified itelf! and yes, those brown lumps are my frozen bushes in the background and no, I don't like them much, but in summer they are a pretty green. they were here when we moved in.
 This is the other bigger agave I got with the other one. This one was also all closed up and near death when I got it, but from day one it has only grown and opened up and has only looked more beautiful with time.
                                              these were here when we moved in

here's the top of the saguaro in the last picture. It's so tall, I can't even reach the top by standing on the big garbage can holding a huge tall stick in hand. I tried one year to make saguaro fruit jelly but failed miserably as I couldn't reach the fruit all I tried. this year maybe I'll climp on the roof and stand on the garbage can and hold my big long stick in hand. NO I WON'T, but I really don't know how to get the fruit down! every year without fail, we have a nest of birds in it. It's so cute hearing their quiet cheeps everytime you go out in the yard!

Anyways, these are all my cactus plants planted in my front yard that I'm so proud of! Except my now ruined baby cactus!

I'll write more when I feel like it!

Friday, March 4, 2011


I am so exhausted lately and went home after work yesterday with a migraine. It then stayed with me all night and is very small this morning. I think today calls for a nap before work if I can squeeze it in.

Work. seems it's always on my mind now.
We had to let that newer trainee go who'd been there for a month now and still couldn't handle serving just 4 people. felt bad, but we couldn't take it anymore and now we can hire up someone else who can help us out.
We also switched lead servers and the old one isn't taking it too well, and is angry with me and Chef so makes work more stressfull. not only by telling me what to do, but also now the new lead server. Problem Child that one is. Hopefully Chef can help me out on that one.

I'm so excited though! Winter services were a wonderful vacation from work even though I had no time at home to clean or do anything! And my wonderful marvelous brother is back for 11 whole days! It's exciting to see him again and I'm hoping he'll be coming to visit at my house soon! He has such big plans for his entire vacation! I'll probably be squeezed into his schedual sometime I'm hoping! I tried to have him come over yesterday morning, and one of my servers had to go home sick right after they got there so I couldn't find anyone else to go in, so now with my new responsibilities I had to go in and cancel my life to work. and short handed they were so I'm glad I was able to help them out. I would have just sat in the middle of the dining room floor and cried if I was in their position! We also have that great new virus at work thats been going around the city- FLU. I'm glad I havn't gotten it yet! I've been exposed twice now. Just makes work more work cause we have to bleach down all the tables and chairs after each meal!

I so badly want to go see my cousins' new babies and I can't cause I keep getting exposed to the flu and would feel so bad if I gave it to one of those babies!

So here at home and at work I stay. counting down the days till my next 4 day weekend! I hope we can wipe the flu out at work so I can visit those babies on my weekend!

Sorry no pictures today, but I felt bad and had to post even though I don't have anything "important" to say. I feel all my words here are garbled messes and can't get over the fact people actually read them! I keep putting off posting though cause what can I tell you about- work? 

well, I'm going to go eat breakfast before my empty stomach eats a hole through my skin and try nap or something! 7:37 and no calls yet of being shorthanded! Sounds like I'm free till my schedualed time! YES!!!

isn't it odd how I posted this at 7:40 and is says I posted it an hour earlier? I seriously wasn't even out of bed at that time! I got up 7:02.