Monday, March 28, 2011


In the midst of me always trying to eat better, I just ate 4 doughnuts. 4 of them -2 chocolate with sprinkles, one with carmel, and one plain. and I enjoyed them and even licked my fingers.

Does that make me unhealthy?

I just spent an entire day doing nothing. I sat on the computer for a while figuring out a 7 day vacation for 2 that would cost $1,015.40 including 4 day hopper passes to all the Disney world parks , airline tickets and a hotel, and my husband said no I can't book it. It's all the way in Florida where he had a brochure in his truck about a month ago for about $2000 from a travel agency. I think I found a great deal. I was so excited and proud of my find too! :-( So now what? will I ever get a vacation?

We went all the way down to the town of Maricopa yesterday to see family and I was immediately saddened that anyone would want to live there cause you drive through dirt and dead brown bushes and stumps after leaving the city till you get there. Then the small houses are about 2 inches apart, and there's a few stores there. Then when we were leaving, I couldn't help but make a face and gag at the horrible smell of old wet horse manure and pee that just hung in the air coating your lungs till you felt sick.
I felt like telling all that live there that the true city doesn't smell like that. I couldn't even see where the horses were cause it wasn't even farm land there! so where did the smell come from? Mysterious!

I had a ton of fun there though seeing my 2nd cousin and great aunt. Do you know that my cousin looks just like my uncle? I was shocked cause I don't think I've seen that lady in my entire life and there she was looking just like everyone else I grew up with! Weird I tell you! and the pets at that house! They were so cute! well 2 of them anyways. I had to try keep my ankles away from that growling chihuahua! the other dog was the sweetest thing and that cat was precious. We had a wonderful BBQ with coneys and potato salad with 1001 other choices to fill your plate up with and we had a fire to toast peeps over and it was a fun time.

Ever toast a peep? Nice and crunchy on the outside, gooey warm and tender on the inside. a wonderful delicacy!

EAT A PEEP! THERE IN SEASON YOU KNOW! that was from a March magazine a year ago! I saved the article cause it made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes!

every year I buy a package of them gross things and just about the same time you are finishing the last one, you feel like puking! but I do it every year, and also every year, I dump the rest of the sugar left in the package the same color as the peeps were from all the dye into my mouth and crunch it all down. then I don't eat another usually till the next year!

It's a good system! the trick is to eat them fast so you can finish them all before your body has time to recognize what you're doing to it and reject them and yell at you stop or I'll puke it up!!!!!! and then you can't eat the last one... but you always feel sick after anyways... so you force yourself to finish it all up! It's fun though!

I love walking in the Easter isles in stores around this time of year only to smell the scented Easter grass. That was my favorite memory growing up.. smelling the grass in my basket! It smelled even better than the candy! I also loved the other treasures in my basket that you couldn't eat cause they lasted longer than the candy and I loved how they brought back Easter memories everytime I used them! We always got a big chocolate rabbit too! I'd always try save mine for last!

EASTER! It's coming!

I just received a phone call from one of the servers from work that I'll have to drive down to unlock the fridge so they can remove the juices from the refridgerated juice dispenser to lock it up for the night. I said just shut off the light on the machine door and leave them in there cause I'm not driving 1/2 hour there to unlock and 1/2 hour back home! Sheesh! common sense would tell you "so what!" It's just juice and the caregivers have a key to the new fridge locks anyways we're finding out!  Makes more work for us cause we have to lock up all the food- remove it from the kitchen and lock it in the pantry or the fridge! All cause the caregivers eat anything they find! can't they just pack their own food?

Cruiser chewed up his squeeky ball, so we had to bring him to Pet'smart about a week ago to buy 2 new ones! He LOVES PETSMART! he starts whining as soon as he sees the building!

Goodnight! Write later!

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