Saturday, July 30, 2011

Backyard Update

Here are the pictures of my backyard!!!

 My zinnias are about to bloom!!!!!!
 My rosemary plant probably doesn't like playing peekaboo with the sun, so I'm probably going to have to relocate it. Who would have thought those squash plants would grow so huge???
 HUGE cucumber! it's probably over 1 foot long!!!
 tomato plants loaded with tomatoes for the birds unless I figure out a way to protect them soon.
 HUGE squash! My foot looks tiny up next to them! They are almost waist high!
 clockwise from top: watermelon, cantaloupe, watermelon, cantaloupe. I'm not sure why the 2 along the border are so stunted... They are getting water. maybe it was the grass in them???
 I planted 2 rows of potatoes yesterday (pictured in the front- they haven't come up yet obviously) You can see the burned scar from fire on my bricks along the outside edge of my garden.
 and eventually when I feel ambitious enough, I'm going to tear up all the bricks I've already laid out, and redo a cute "patio/ walkway" continuing into my garden with all these other bricks.
So, that's my backyard, and my garden. And my plans.

Hope you have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. Your yard looks like a park! And your garden is getting HUGE! Lookin' good!
