Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

I decorated!
 The first thing you see now when you walk into my house is this on the coffee table! No longer a home, but a buisness!
 Happy Birthday to me from my husband. These remind me so much of the flowers at the hotel we stayed in in Oahu:
 Happy Birthday to me from my boss: She said she loves pink azaeleas. They are pretty too. 
So I now have new plants to figure out how to keep alive! 

Have a perfect Memorial Day!
Remember it's not for getting drunk, but for remembering the soldiers. (It's patriotic, not a party.)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Plants in my backyard

I think these expired: And I don't even know what they were because I lost the paper I wrote down all the plants I planted on. Oh well. It shall be a mystery garden to see what pops up where.
But guess what all came up?!!!! My 4 date palms and all my agave cactus' are doing well!
And anyone know what these seedlings are popping up? I think they might be zinnias, but I didn't plant them...
See? There are zinnias popping up around my green beans: I didn't plant these either.
And my asparagus is sending up new shoots:
And where shall I next hook this 1 branch from this vine to next? All of a sudden it decided it was going to live and flourish! And grow long branches. That don't have any place to go. That I don't want to cut off... But it's touching the ground again.
And my bell peppers are turning color!!!!!!
My garden brings happiness to go out and wander around and just look.
Even though it's still mostly dirt.

See you later!
Happy Birthday to me!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tinted Gysers

From Geysers erupting as powerful as Old Faithful from my backyard to freshly tinted windows, yesterday was a busy day!

This gyser sprayed me in the face, my boob, my arms, and my ankle before I finally got it under control. It went way up there in the air! Over the back fence to who knows where!
I'm officially tinted and fit in with the cool people. And we also each bought a pair of pants for work.
Yesterday cost $$$$$$$.
Have a fun day!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Cactus, candle holder, garden and bricks.

Our Open House went well yesterday. We had 6 people come look at it, and one couple was interested. 7 people if you count the weirdo guy who claimed he was a home inspector looking for business and stayed for an hour after we left!!! We had to wait until our Realtor showed up before we could leave. Instead of she, she sent her husband and instead of coming at 11:30 like we agreed on, he showed up 12:07. 7 minutes after the open house started! Then he left to put up the signs. While he was gone, we had to entertain the "home inspector" who showed up right after he left! I think someone was running a little late! His wife, our realtor had a baby shower to attend until 12:30. which is when we left to my parent's house to sit and wait with the dog.
Anyways, check out my Saguaro! It's been busy bloomin' for about a week now!

And busy growin' arms and prickles and housin' baby birds.
And my living room is finished!
My mom gave me this!
I think it ties everything together well.
And my garden. I planted it and put the irrigation line in it yesterday, pulled out lots of grass, and TA-DA! Set it to water for 10 hours instead of 10 minutes by accident. So it still looked watered this morning! But the timer turned it on anyways... Oh well. It got off to a great start.

All of that was made possible by me moving all the bricks into the garage which only resulted in exhausting me and scraping off a part of my finger I use on a daily basis! But I'll survive!

Whew! I'm glad all that rush is over! I can sit back now and put all my trust in a battery to water my garden for me from now on.

And that is a great feeling!
See you around!

Friday, May 18, 2012


We are having an open house on Sunday. Today is Friday. In 2 days, people will be looking at my house and walking everywhere seeing if they want to live here.

Now I have to move all this:
To here: (doesn't it look so small? Will it hold it all?)
After I finish that, I then have to plant my garden plants into the garden.
So I probably won't surface for a while. I'll see you later!

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day


I can't wait till we can leave for our Mother's Day celebrations! We go to my in laws, then to my parents.

Remember the resident who gave me the 2 doilies? Well, yesterday she left this for me:
Upon further inspection, It was 2 magazines,
A whole bag of the same doilies but these were not folded, with a recipe booklet for diabetics,
 I don't know why I'm so excited about her recipe box, but I have it and I plan on picking through it with a fine tooth comb dissecting it until I know all that is in there! What a treasure! I felt so honored she gave it to me!

And while I was so excitedly taking these pictures, Cruizer:        In all his glory was pretty bored.
So Mother's Day begins.
I always remember I almost was a mother on Mother's Day. I hope to one day get that chance again.
Yesterday we had someone look at our house and they stayed 20 minutes. I have been trying to imagine a 20 minute walk through. did they stop and admire one room for longer? Were they genuinely impressed with what they saw? Did they like it? Or did their Realtor just talk to them inside about the next house they would see for a while because it was cooler inside then outside?

I guess I'll never know. I hope my Realtor can ask their Realtor if they liked it!


Friday, May 11, 2012

Today's Doily Dilemma

Yesterday one of my residents asked me if I would take 2 doilies because she was moving and just couldn't take them with...
 But she folded them. And they smell of her perfume. Any ideas on what to use them for?
 My lemons have been falling off the tree. So much for wondering if the rest would stay good on the tree for a fresh pitcher of lemonade in the summer... Guess I should use them now...
 And I really outta plant these. They have started to bloom.
 The flies of summer have arrived and this one is dead. I think it's very entertaining that it died with it's feet up in the air of natural causes...
Anyways no new news to report except what I showed you. Still don't know if we'll be moving or not.

Have a Happy Day!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Last night at Fry's, we bought a corned beef brisket. It's been cooking over 12 hours so far, and we'll eat it after it cooks 24 hours.
 I don't know why, but I like my plant table.
 (can you see me?) I trimmed off all the brown dead parts of each plant.
 And this dog, he still won't let me take a good picture of him...
So, believe me, he is dry and fluffy and smells much better today.

See you later! I gotta quick clean my house before work in case someone wants to see it!

Monday, May 7, 2012

For Sale

Notice how this is wet? This...
 made us kick him out of our room last night and close the doors because he rolled around in poop and it was 11PM and I wasn't going to bathe him and he wasn't either.In other words, he royally stunk. And I wasn't going to sleep with him in the same room. I like how he looks so shiny fluffy now:
 And this, well yup. It's official. The house is for sale. It won't be so hopeless anymore if someone else buys it.
 And for now, I get to hear: "lick...lick...lick...lick..........." Until he's all dry.
Hope your day started off smelling better.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Ugly Laundry Room Revival!

This is the HUGE ugly gaping hole I've had to walk carefully around for a long time so I wouldn't get fiberglass in me:
 No more hangie dangley light!
 Ta da! Finished! Did you notice we used mismatched pieces we had leftover from other projects?

I cut drywall even down to the finer details, and my husband screwed them in:
 Around some random empty pipe sticking out of the wall...

forget that hole... We'll just mud right over it:
Aren't I an expert?

12 CASES HiGH. Of what? This has been on the wall since before we moved in.

Laundry room is on it's way! I love it already!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Good Bye April, Hello May!

The last day of April, we worked and worked outside.
May starts off like this in the garden:
 See all these bricks? I myself moved every one of them all by my self. Every last one of them yesterday.
 The other side of the pile. My back hurts. My hands are raw. But they are moved because...
 We are putting rock in. Side yard is done!
 I moved my elephant food plant out of the garden after giving it a haircut.
 We still have amber waves of rock in the backyard. Too much rock. Just imagine it's the ocean.
Well, I'm wiped out and same with my husband. But we accomplished a ton yesterday and May is off to a great start!

I hope to recover enough to finish.