Saturday, June 21, 2014

A House? And I'm Grumpy

We might own a house on Wednesday! We signed the rest of the paperwork yesterday and did the final walk through! Wednesday if all goes well, we'll get the keys!

But what a disappointment! Right after we put an offer in, and it got accepted, the owners rented it out to 3 people- a couple and their older grown son. They have inside dogs and an inside only cat. The first time we walked through, the house was fine and they were keeping it clean and were even cleaning the weeds up and raking. So we were impressed. Yesterday during the final walk through, the house has a nasty smell to it. Like unwashed body and dog pee. The cat has marked his territory all over the inside of the back slider glass door and I'm sure everywhere else. They didn't replace burned out bulbs as they burnt out so it was dark in there and I didn't feel like touching the handle to roll up the security windows to get some light in. It smells really bad. They also lost the screen door key. While walking through the backyard, I noticed they attempted to trim the fruit trees but ended up hacking them. They now look like little bushes. If there was any fruit growing on them, for sure there isn't any now. The jacuzzi outside which has always been full of fresh clean water but we don't know if it works, they decided to take the lid off and let the water evaporate so it is now a mosquito hatchery. What a disappointment!

I was planning if our condo sells that I wouldn't have a problem living in there until we finish fixing it up, but I will definitely not be considering it anymore.

I do still like the house. We have all kinds of dreams and plans on how to make it great, but it kind of has a bad start of sad feelings partly because it is not the same house we put the offer in for. The bones and structure are there but someone else has put their mark on it to make an impact on what they think a house or yard should look like even though it wasn't their own.

We will have to correct it and I hope I can fix the trees if they weren't too badly mauled! Why oh why do people do things like this? I guess we could have put up a big stink about the owners putting renters in after they accepted the offer especially because we know the house had been empty for at least a year before, so I guess it's partly our fault, but it really isn't our house until we get the keys.

We were planning on replacing the drywall already for the walls, but my husband was going to maybe keep the ceiling drywall but I told him yesterday it won't be possible because of the smell now. It's all coming out no exceptions. I am so happy they will be out Tuesday. I hope they don't trash it more before then!

So that is the excitement in the household here. The other thing is we have accepted a full price offer on our condo and are hoping to close July 31st. If that happens, we will be homeless unless we camp in our new backyard in 110+ weather while we fix up the inside. I will not live in the awful condition those renters have created.

I am happy to finally have a backyard soon because I promised Cruizer he'd have a yard with grass again before he died. I will be able to keep that promise!

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