Wednesday, June 25, 2014

New House? And Animal Thoughts.

I spent all day yesterday cleaning our condo. We have the appraiser coming today. I somehow mixed up the days of the inspection and appraiser. The people buying the condo will be coming to inspect on Friday. I want the condo to look like new again so the appraiser will appraise it for a higher number and the people buying it will still like it and see exactly how new everything is. I was washing appliances, organizing, wiping walls and door jams, and anything else I could think of as well as the regular deep cleaning I normally do. I feel like my condo is fresh and sanitized. I love my house to be clean. I can just relax and enjoy it for a few days! I will be scrambling tomorrow to scrub it all down again for the people coming on Friday!

I am wondering if we'll still be getting our keys to the house today. We still don't know who will be giving the keys to us! I'm sure we'll be trading out the locks right away though because I don't trust those renters to not come back after all the damage they've done.

I am so anxious just waiting  to see who has the keys from the renters, or where they are. I cannot wait to get them! I plan on taking Cruizer to see his new house, but I do have to admit I'm a little nervous if he might get sick from the animals who were there because they were not well cared for.

Sometimes I feel like such a stuck up snob thinking I'm better at caring for my animals then some people, but I always think right after at how easy it is to just bathe your dog and clean up their poop or messes. It's not that hard to brush them either! Dogs and cats tend to love any kind of attention as long as it doesn't hurt them! I had 4 cats at one time before and cannot remember a time when my house smelled so awful of cat. I kept my cats bathed (ouch!) and I tried to keep their litter box clean which I'll admit was hard while I was working and had 4 cats using it, but the smell never permeated the entire house!!! It's impossible to just blame an animal if your house smells because it's entirely your fault if it does! I will admit we had 4 cats, 2 dogs, 10 lovebirds, 1 canary and a fish tank all at the same time in a musty mobile home and the only time my house smelled like animal was when my older cat had a bladder infection and was (TMI) peeing out blood until the medication healed her. I cleaned every spot where she had an accident. It's not that hard! I was working full time too! The only way a house smells  is when you get too lazy to clean up after your animals and neglect their needs. I think to be a responsible pet owner is to be one who keeps their home clean. I became overwhelmed with all the animals about 5 years ago and realized they didn't have the life I dreamed of them having with me working such long hours so I found places for all of them except Cruizer. We had raised Cruizer from a small puppy and my husband was attached to him. So he stayed and is awfully spoiled.

I love petting a clean dog! I gave Cruizer a bath yesterday. Have you ever witnessed a dog right after a bath? It's hilarious! Right after you finish drying them off, they streak around the house like a bee just stung them on the butt and act like a crazy lunatic! Tongue hanging out, gigantic smile, ears flapping just galloping and slip sliding all over the place running about 50 miles and hour! It is a hilarious sight to see! I think they love getting baths even though they look at you with sad eyes the entire time you're bathing them thinking you're trying to drown them! Either that, or they're celebrating the fact you didn't drown them!!! :-D

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