Thursday, June 26, 2014

Half Of My New House!

We just got our keys yesterday at 2:30! It needs some major remodeling. Here's the kitchen:
The living room floor carpet didn't look like this when we put the offer in! We were actually sitting on the bare carpet at that time! About 99% of the stains are from the renters! Cat pee, dog pee and very dirty feet. They attempted to clean the spots before they left but it didn't do anything. It smelled so awful and I cannot see how people can live like that! And they did this all in a little over 1 month!
We pulled the carpet out and as we were pulling the padding out, we discovered some lovely linoleum underneath! I say lovely because even though it is hideous, it extends to cover the whole house!!!! Even the pee carpet in the bedrooms has linoleum underneath! I am so thankful because that means the pee didn't soak into the concrete!
I found a "lovely" broom that flutters as you sweep and swept up this pile just from the living room! Do you see why I despise carpet??? You cannot ever clean it! Achoo!
The kitchen had some post opening thingy going on which must have been all the rage back in the day when everyone wished they were in jail or missed stair railings way to much. These came out right after the carpet. This whole wall will be disappearing. My personal view on the whole blocking off the kitchen thing is it's the most disrespectful thing on the planet to completely close off the person cooking to the rest of the house and other people like they're supposed to be hidden or something and not welcome to join the conversation going on in the living room. It annoys me to have a kitchen blocked off completely, so bye bye wall!
Can you imagine this living room in pink carpet? Yup! That is the color of some of the fibers sticking to the tack strips! So this "cute" linoleum was first, then they got sick of it, and covered it with pink carpet. The new owners must have replaced that with the grayish carpet when they moved in 6 years ago and we're just going to take it all out! 
Here's the view from the front door looking towards the garage door in the kitchen:
And another view of the kitchen so you can see the different linoleum style in the kitchen, front entryway and bathroom.
I am so excited to finally get my new house! I will show you more later!

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