Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Made Supper!!!!

I made a real supper for the first time in who knows when! I was proud of myself and it was wonderful!

I have decided I need to sit down sometime in my free time- like while on lunch breaks at work -to figure out a cleaning schedual for me and my house. I'm included because it wouldn't get done at all otherwise of course! DUH.....

anyone want to pay for me to go to Hawaii? you'd have to work for me at my jobs of course.

I can't believe it! I forgot to ask off the weekend of mother's camp! all this planning and excitement and I forgot the most important thing! I'm going to try tomorrow. My boss informed me all requests off from work from anyone now in the busy season are just that-REQUESTS. So I don't know if she'll let me....
But I waited on one table on Saturday and made a $10 tip! And I told her they must have liked me a lot and I showed her my cash. I probably smothered them with checking on their table too much though, but I only had one table to worry about and had nothing else to do! I am still learning the computer though and charged them $350.00 for one baked potato! I caught it before I gave them the bill though. did you know you have to get a manager to void that? Embarressing! I had another manager clear it for me because my boss would have been livid and not let me wait on a table again! I buttered her up at the end of the night saying "Thank you for letting me wait on a table tonight!" She loves it when you act like your sooooo grateful she LET you do something! Hee Hee HEE I have her wrapped around my little finger now that I've got her all figured out! I hope! I am hoping it will work tomorow when I try ask for next weekened off! I will have to wait for the most perfect moment when she's happy which comes rarely. Wish me luck.

Do you know Pina Colada italian ice is so wonderful tasting? I used to buy pina colada icecream from a little icecream shop by my cousins house when I was little and just adored the tropical flavor! I got that while everyone else got Gumball icecream which had real gumballs in it! such a novelty! I tried it once, and next time I got Pina Colada. didn't loke the way the gumballs fell apart in your mouth and stuck to your teeth before becoming a rock hard to tough to chew mass of fake flavored fruity tutty goodness yuckiness.I also love Sonic's Blue coconut and cranberry slushes! I just try not to think about what percentage isn't high fructose corn syrup and imagine there is real fruit in there somewhere!

always health concous I am even when I eat bad stuff. I tell myself all I'm having is a slice of toast and some fruit and then I go to work and they have some greasy cheesy goodness of a delicacy of some sort I absolutely must have a loaded plate of. and my pants got too small. now with my new pants, I have room to grow. DOESN"T THAT SOUND ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING?????? EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW!
now I absolutely need to eat healthy. but there are still chips and italian ice in my house.... see where all this is headed? the story of my life. Then I tell myself I'll start worrying about eating healthier after all the snacks are gone, but when they're gone, we buy more so it never ever stops!
Oh well. I will still only try I guess. One good meal cancels out one months worth of bad ones right?

It's really getting late-11:12 PM and I have told myself Fly lady deserves another chance. So I have to wash the dishes before bed. I got all excited about restarting Fly lady, and my emails were stopped because they were blocked for some reason! I restarted them so soon I hope they will come and come they will by the thousands. She always tells you to limit your computer time and then gives you 3 hours of reading material in emails to read in one day! really not that much, but about 5-10 emails a day! no advertisemants yet! I only use that email address for her only! I just love the irony of it though.

Got work at 12 tomarrow and have my chores to do like pick up dog poop. one of the new chores added to my Wednesdays! I decided if it gets picked up at least twice a week, it won't be such a long chore. I just don't feel like taking the joy out of Cruiser sniffing around the yard for that most perfect spot to poop! So I won't train him to go in one place. and I get my excercise also!

NO pictures today but an update. nothing has been done to my house yet except my garden is mostly free of weeds now, and my watermelons are becoming stronger as they grow by the day as I still havn't taken out the 10 minutes it shoud take to find something to sling them up with! oh well.

Should go and wash dishes! wish I could be like Flylady's bedtime routine and take a bubble bath before bed, but too late I'm sure she does that at 7 or 8PM and here, it's 11:22 PM now. will go wash dishes instead and shower in morning!
Goodnight! ARE YOUR DISHES DONE? MINE WILL BE IN 15 MINUTES! Gotta hand wash till our dishwasher gets the recalled piece fixed next Saturday! 7 houses on fire from them! Hmmmm. glad not mine!)

Goodnight. (for the second time)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Eyes are Tired

I am tired and ready for bed-well almost. I just need to brush my teeth.
I worked about 22 hours within the last 2 days- 2 eleven hour days. So I am tired.
But I have work at 12 tomarrow. At my other job.
 I uploaded 3 videos to YouTube and uploaded one of them 3 times before it was where I wanted it. I try to upload so they are in order of when I took them and I 1st uploaded it out of order, so I uploaded the one placed wrong again, and it wouldn't let it play because I had just deleted the other copy, so I deleted both copies and restarted, and it WORKED finally! So now there are 3 wonderful videos of my life for you to watch. The attack on the bugs is one of them. It was so gross!
You ever see tons of gross bugs and start spraying them with dishsoap water only to have one crawl up onto your foot? Heebie Jeebies. Thats what.
that might have been the only bug killed by my bare hand!
My brother called me today out of the blue and we were both on our lunch breaks! How random is that? anyways, I asked him if he was coming home.     and he said.       he was home..... How sad is that? He's all the way across the US farther than I've ever been and he's my little brother being a big man all by himself somewhere else. living.
and my other brother left to the national guard and my sister moved to another state and my other sister is still here. and my mom and dad. so we are all over. US watch out! No we are good people.

anyways, no work on the house yesterday or today not even the dishes. only one load of laundry.And I don't even care right now cause I'm tired and cause I have tomarrow to (Maybe) clean and organize and maybe fold clothes!
AND it's 9:41PM and I keep yawning so I'm going to bed.

Don't dream of bugs crawling on your feet!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Healthy Start to My Day!

I ate Chips and onion dip, organic yellow carrots, a vitamin and water for breakfast. Do you think I got sufficient amounts of nutrition to start my day off with? Or do you think I went too far when I added the vitamin? I'm beginning to worry.
Anyways, I was outside today in the garden and I uploaded some videos on YouTube. Our Shamel ash is so sad and I don't know how to help it.
does anybody know what is wrong with it?
Like my green lush lawn? I think I'm the envy of the neighborhood.
does anyone know what I should do about my watermelon growing on the fence? should i just let them be and see what happens? I got 4 hanging and one growing on the ground. Arggggh! I just thought of a dreadful thought! what happens if they all ripen at the same time? then I will have to give them away and not be able to enjoy them myself! Who can eat 5 watermelon within the few days they need to be eaten after cutting open? Well, I don't think I'll have a problem getting rid of them if they are as good as the ones I've gotten from the garden before... Mom? will you want one? Or my sister....
and thats only if they don't snap off the vine before they're ready. Should I fashion some watermelon slings?
And to think. I was going to stop watering them because it was 2 months before they started finally growing watermelons! I guess patience finally pays off for me! and some neglect along the way when I forgot to water or didn't have time to.

Why oh Why can't this grass grow where I would like it to?
see how green it is? notice the brown dirt in the top right corner? that is the place it's supposed to grow but it likes the rich soil of rotting wood chips of our border instead. I'm thinking of resorting to spraying........ So much for an organic garden huh? I wonder if they make a more natural grass killer? I don't like the idea of eating my vegetables with poisen on them. believe it or not, I have 2 pots in there you can only see one. the other only I know where it is (because I put it there a long time ago you see) My poor sweet potato vine is being hidden by grass.
*In fake excitement* Just think! I can just water my entire back yard and let the grass take over completely and over my house even, and then I will have a green backyard for once! :-0
anyone want to come pick some for a bouquet? It will be very pretty! ;-)

some day some day some day some day
thats all I keep telling myself
some day when I no longer work
someday when my house is finished
someday when I have time

anyways, anybody know where to find someday? then I can get all my huge projects out of the way and LIFE CAN START! I can have fun then! I won't have to worry about what I want to plant here to make the yard look better- it will be done! I won't have to worry about which light fixtures I want to furnish my house with-it will be done! I won't have to worry about if there is money for paint or drywall or toilets that work (we already bought toilets but I had to throw it in) -it will be done! then we can maybe save up some money!

I think I'll go eat another carrot now and pet the dog. He's been getting neglected lately too.
Maybe I'll even pick the rest of the paint off of him. anybody know what made him want to go lie down against a freshly painted wall?
Here is the view I have of him lying next to me right now. ( I just took this picture and uploaded it for you right now- don't you feel honored?)
isn't it lovely? and that is not a fat roll along his spine. my dog is not fat. he just has a little padding around his big bones. JK! ;-)No I think it's extra skin from when he was fat. His dad was a huge burly lab and his mother also had a huge chest and shoulder area so that's the way he's supposed to be.
He's a Queensland Heeler-Black lab mix.

notice the white on his elbow and side? at least the only fresh paint available to him was a 4 inch wide strip along the bottom of the wall where the baseboard was. :-)
anyways, I'll see you later.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tired of Remodeling

I am getting tired of messy house and having to move furniture, but I'm happy to see it all coming together finally! -I think we will only lose one tree during the remodel!-(we have been neglecting yardwork lately.)

I have been uploading videos on YouTube (there's a link below with my videos) so everyone can see the progress.

We have finished the:
*Majority of Texturing-(except above desk and closet and bath)
*1 Bathroom

Still need to
*Finish the Yard (needs desperate weeding)
*Figure out light fixtures
*Get countertops for desk
*Finish Texturing
*Drywall in Master Closet and Laundryroom

Meanwhile, I have been working and working and working. I have given one job a deadline (they don't know it yet, and I havn't set it in stone) That if they don't promote me like they said to server like they said about a month ago (their words) by the end of the month (my words), or if they end up hiring a server like I've overheard them say etc... by the end of the month (my words), I might put in my 2 weeks. My other job said they'll probably go up to 40 hour work weeks and there's an opening for lead server there, so I have some options to try here. But well see.

Work around the house is going so slowly I wish I could sleep, but I can't. I have to prepare it to paint and somehow get my yard in some sort of order before the middle of September which I have set as a deadline for finishing the house. I hope we can get it done. I'm tired of my Nasty House. In a way, I feel I live on the streets. At least I have a working shower though.

This project has taken more of our resources than I have ever spent time and money on and all I can say is it better look nice when we finish and be worth the loooooooooooooong wait. We've lived here almost 3 years now. If it weren't for the mold in the kitchen, we probably wouldn't have had so many "oportunities" to remodel our lovely house- and I liked that kitchen too! Thats one of the reasons we bought the house!

Oh well. life is full of disapointments, and remodels. As long as it turns out well in the end, all is well. I will be glad when we can get the oportunity to sell the house for what we paid for it and move out of here. :-) what a nice thought!

Well that's an update of our Hopeless House on Libby.
(I'm pretty sure that when we finally have the inside finished and the outside painted nice and pretty, the roof will start to leak, and the AC will go out.) As that's the luck of the Hopeless House On Libby.

My husband says that if the roof leaks and we get damage inside, it will be easy to fix I say HHHHMMMMPH!

I'm tired of remodeling.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

MUD AND MORE MUD and I don't mean just outside

It rained, but there is more mud inside than out. we stayed up till 12:00AM mudding along the cracks where the baseboard used to be last night. now someone is sleeping in when he told me he'd be up by 10:00 if I let him sleep in. maybe my clock is wrong....(10:26AM)and he hasn't even opened his eyes yet! Oh well. maybe now he'll be in a good mood with so many hours of sleep. :-)
My house smells like mud. not the brown stuff. the white stuff. and I still have it all over my feet and legs- yup! I went to bed with it on me and I didn't even wash it off last night! my sheets will be washed today for sure now!

(I guess we aren't having a garage sale today!) Too wet. guess we'll be inside patching up the cracks in the mud, retexturing, and painting today instead of going to the cabin like we were planning!
I guess we can go to California next month instead and go to Disneyland huh? would that only be a nice dream? I hope not, but after the tiles in (starts Monday!!!!!!!!), we won't be rich anymore, so I guess that plan will have to go on hold too. guess I'll have to vacation when I turn 40. (poor me)

anyone want to come pick the mud off my feet?
NO? well I guess I'll just have to do it myself. I'll just have to be the little red hen!

would just taking a shower and pretending it's not there and let it wash away be better?
SHEESH! what a dilemma!
I'll have to ponder this for an hour.
NOT! just kidding! :-D thats me laughing. not at me, but thinking how dorky you must think I am and how your probably telling yourself I'm never going to read another post of her's again!
he he heeeeee!
well, I'm going to try raise the bear from his dark cave- save me if I don't emerge in 10 minutes.
(he's really not that mean, but he might complain pitifully how I don't let him get the sleep he deserves after such a long hard week out in the 115degree heat-(but it rained part of the week so it doesn't count right??) and how he's been working so hard every free chance he gets on the house(even though I moved all of our belongings but a few heavy things I needed help with into the garage) and how I never let him sleep and etc....)
but no. he works longer hours than me and outside (I work about 50 plus) and he isn't a morning person at all like me, so I have to only try to get him up and maybe I might succeed and maybe I won't. But I love him all the same. so here goes!
Bye! More later. Trisha