Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Made Supper!!!!

I made a real supper for the first time in who knows when! I was proud of myself and it was wonderful!

I have decided I need to sit down sometime in my free time- like while on lunch breaks at work -to figure out a cleaning schedual for me and my house. I'm included because it wouldn't get done at all otherwise of course! DUH.....

anyone want to pay for me to go to Hawaii? you'd have to work for me at my jobs of course.

I can't believe it! I forgot to ask off the weekend of mother's camp! all this planning and excitement and I forgot the most important thing! I'm going to try tomorrow. My boss informed me all requests off from work from anyone now in the busy season are just that-REQUESTS. So I don't know if she'll let me....
But I waited on one table on Saturday and made a $10 tip! And I told her they must have liked me a lot and I showed her my cash. I probably smothered them with checking on their table too much though, but I only had one table to worry about and had nothing else to do! I am still learning the computer though and charged them $350.00 for one baked potato! I caught it before I gave them the bill though. did you know you have to get a manager to void that? Embarressing! I had another manager clear it for me because my boss would have been livid and not let me wait on a table again! I buttered her up at the end of the night saying "Thank you for letting me wait on a table tonight!" She loves it when you act like your sooooo grateful she LET you do something! Hee Hee HEE I have her wrapped around my little finger now that I've got her all figured out! I hope! I am hoping it will work tomorow when I try ask for next weekened off! I will have to wait for the most perfect moment when she's happy which comes rarely. Wish me luck.

Do you know Pina Colada italian ice is so wonderful tasting? I used to buy pina colada icecream from a little icecream shop by my cousins house when I was little and just adored the tropical flavor! I got that while everyone else got Gumball icecream which had real gumballs in it! such a novelty! I tried it once, and next time I got Pina Colada. didn't loke the way the gumballs fell apart in your mouth and stuck to your teeth before becoming a rock hard to tough to chew mass of fake flavored fruity tutty goodness yuckiness.I also love Sonic's Blue coconut and cranberry slushes! I just try not to think about what percentage isn't high fructose corn syrup and imagine there is real fruit in there somewhere!

always health concous I am even when I eat bad stuff. I tell myself all I'm having is a slice of toast and some fruit and then I go to work and they have some greasy cheesy goodness of a delicacy of some sort I absolutely must have a loaded plate of. and my pants got too small. now with my new pants, I have room to grow. DOESN"T THAT SOUND ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING?????? EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW!
now I absolutely need to eat healthy. but there are still chips and italian ice in my house.... see where all this is headed? the story of my life. Then I tell myself I'll start worrying about eating healthier after all the snacks are gone, but when they're gone, we buy more so it never ever stops!
Oh well. I will still only try I guess. One good meal cancels out one months worth of bad ones right?

It's really getting late-11:12 PM and I have told myself Fly lady deserves another chance. So I have to wash the dishes before bed. I got all excited about restarting Fly lady, and my emails were stopped because they were blocked for some reason! I restarted them so soon I hope they will come and come they will by the thousands. She always tells you to limit your computer time and then gives you 3 hours of reading material in emails to read in one day! really not that much, but about 5-10 emails a day! no advertisemants yet! I only use that email address for her only! I just love the irony of it though.

Got work at 12 tomarrow and have my chores to do like pick up dog poop. one of the new chores added to my Wednesdays! I decided if it gets picked up at least twice a week, it won't be such a long chore. I just don't feel like taking the joy out of Cruiser sniffing around the yard for that most perfect spot to poop! So I won't train him to go in one place. and I get my excercise also!

NO pictures today but an update. nothing has been done to my house yet except my garden is mostly free of weeds now, and my watermelons are becoming stronger as they grow by the day as I still havn't taken out the 10 minutes it shoud take to find something to sling them up with! oh well.

Should go and wash dishes! wish I could be like Flylady's bedtime routine and take a bubble bath before bed, but too late I'm sure she does that at 7 or 8PM and here, it's 11:22 PM now. will go wash dishes instead and shower in morning!
Goodnight! ARE YOUR DISHES DONE? MINE WILL BE IN 15 MINUTES! Gotta hand wash till our dishwasher gets the recalled piece fixed next Saturday! 7 houses on fire from them! Hmmmm. glad not mine!)

Goodnight. (for the second time)


  1. fingers crossed about mothers camp!

  2. hahaha! Sounds like my snacking routine. I am alsways telling myself too that "once these are gone, I won't eat junk anymore".. um... doesn't work. -Christy
