Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Eyes are Tired

I am tired and ready for bed-well almost. I just need to brush my teeth.
I worked about 22 hours within the last 2 days- 2 eleven hour days. So I am tired.
But I have work at 12 tomarrow. At my other job.
 I uploaded 3 videos to YouTube and uploaded one of them 3 times before it was where I wanted it. I try to upload so they are in order of when I took them and I 1st uploaded it out of order, so I uploaded the one placed wrong again, and it wouldn't let it play because I had just deleted the other copy, so I deleted both copies and restarted, and it WORKED finally! So now there are 3 wonderful videos of my life for you to watch. The attack on the bugs is one of them. It was so gross!
You ever see tons of gross bugs and start spraying them with dishsoap water only to have one crawl up onto your foot? Heebie Jeebies. Thats what.
that might have been the only bug killed by my bare hand!
My brother called me today out of the blue and we were both on our lunch breaks! How random is that? anyways, I asked him if he was coming home.     and he said.       he was home..... How sad is that? He's all the way across the US farther than I've ever been and he's my little brother being a big man all by himself somewhere else. living.
and my other brother left to the national guard and my sister moved to another state and my other sister is still here. and my mom and dad. so we are all over. US watch out! No we are good people.

anyways, no work on the house yesterday or today not even the dishes. only one load of laundry.And I don't even care right now cause I'm tired and cause I have tomarrow to (Maybe) clean and organize and maybe fold clothes!
AND it's 9:41PM and I keep yawning so I'm going to bed.

Don't dream of bugs crawling on your feet!


  1. haha! I like you blog Trisha! You are keeping me entertained :)
