Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Healthy Start to My Day!

I ate Chips and onion dip, organic yellow carrots, a vitamin and water for breakfast. Do you think I got sufficient amounts of nutrition to start my day off with? Or do you think I went too far when I added the vitamin? I'm beginning to worry.
Anyways, I was outside today in the garden and I uploaded some videos on YouTube. Our Shamel ash is so sad and I don't know how to help it.
does anybody know what is wrong with it?
Like my green lush lawn? I think I'm the envy of the neighborhood.
does anyone know what I should do about my watermelon growing on the fence? should i just let them be and see what happens? I got 4 hanging and one growing on the ground. Arggggh! I just thought of a dreadful thought! what happens if they all ripen at the same time? then I will have to give them away and not be able to enjoy them myself! Who can eat 5 watermelon within the few days they need to be eaten after cutting open? Well, I don't think I'll have a problem getting rid of them if they are as good as the ones I've gotten from the garden before... Mom? will you want one? Or my sister....
and thats only if they don't snap off the vine before they're ready. Should I fashion some watermelon slings?
And to think. I was going to stop watering them because it was 2 months before they started finally growing watermelons! I guess patience finally pays off for me! and some neglect along the way when I forgot to water or didn't have time to.

Why oh Why can't this grass grow where I would like it to?
see how green it is? notice the brown dirt in the top right corner? that is the place it's supposed to grow but it likes the rich soil of rotting wood chips of our border instead. I'm thinking of resorting to spraying........ So much for an organic garden huh? I wonder if they make a more natural grass killer? I don't like the idea of eating my vegetables with poisen on them. believe it or not, I have 2 pots in there you can only see one. the other only I know where it is (because I put it there a long time ago you see) My poor sweet potato vine is being hidden by grass.
*In fake excitement* Just think! I can just water my entire back yard and let the grass take over completely and over my house even, and then I will have a green backyard for once! :-0
anyone want to come pick some for a bouquet? It will be very pretty! ;-)

some day some day some day some day
thats all I keep telling myself
some day when I no longer work
someday when my house is finished
someday when I have time

anyways, anybody know where to find someday? then I can get all my huge projects out of the way and LIFE CAN START! I can have fun then! I won't have to worry about what I want to plant here to make the yard look better- it will be done! I won't have to worry about which light fixtures I want to furnish my house with-it will be done! I won't have to worry about if there is money for paint or drywall or toilets that work (we already bought toilets but I had to throw it in) -it will be done! then we can maybe save up some money!

I think I'll go eat another carrot now and pet the dog. He's been getting neglected lately too.
Maybe I'll even pick the rest of the paint off of him. anybody know what made him want to go lie down against a freshly painted wall?
Here is the view I have of him lying next to me right now. ( I just took this picture and uploaded it for you right now- don't you feel honored?)
isn't it lovely? and that is not a fat roll along his spine. my dog is not fat. he just has a little padding around his big bones. JK! ;-)No I think it's extra skin from when he was fat. His dad was a huge burly lab and his mother also had a huge chest and shoulder area so that's the way he's supposed to be.
He's a Queensland Heeler-Black lab mix.

notice the white on his elbow and side? at least the only fresh paint available to him was a 4 inch wide strip along the bottom of the wall where the baseboard was. :-)
anyways, I'll see you later.

1 comment:

  1. definately make those poor melons some slings! if you use roundup only on the grass you won't be eating it. it only kills what it touches & does not affect dirt at to why cruiser laid down by wet paint----DUH!!!----cause he's a dog & he could!!
