Saturday, August 7, 2010

MUD AND MORE MUD and I don't mean just outside

It rained, but there is more mud inside than out. we stayed up till 12:00AM mudding along the cracks where the baseboard used to be last night. now someone is sleeping in when he told me he'd be up by 10:00 if I let him sleep in. maybe my clock is wrong....(10:26AM)and he hasn't even opened his eyes yet! Oh well. maybe now he'll be in a good mood with so many hours of sleep. :-)
My house smells like mud. not the brown stuff. the white stuff. and I still have it all over my feet and legs- yup! I went to bed with it on me and I didn't even wash it off last night! my sheets will be washed today for sure now!

(I guess we aren't having a garage sale today!) Too wet. guess we'll be inside patching up the cracks in the mud, retexturing, and painting today instead of going to the cabin like we were planning!
I guess we can go to California next month instead and go to Disneyland huh? would that only be a nice dream? I hope not, but after the tiles in (starts Monday!!!!!!!!), we won't be rich anymore, so I guess that plan will have to go on hold too. guess I'll have to vacation when I turn 40. (poor me)

anyone want to come pick the mud off my feet?
NO? well I guess I'll just have to do it myself. I'll just have to be the little red hen!

would just taking a shower and pretending it's not there and let it wash away be better?
SHEESH! what a dilemma!
I'll have to ponder this for an hour.
NOT! just kidding! :-D thats me laughing. not at me, but thinking how dorky you must think I am and how your probably telling yourself I'm never going to read another post of her's again!
he he heeeeee!
well, I'm going to try raise the bear from his dark cave- save me if I don't emerge in 10 minutes.
(he's really not that mean, but he might complain pitifully how I don't let him get the sleep he deserves after such a long hard week out in the 115degree heat-(but it rained part of the week so it doesn't count right??) and how he's been working so hard every free chance he gets on the house(even though I moved all of our belongings but a few heavy things I needed help with into the garage) and how I never let him sleep and etc....)
but no. he works longer hours than me and outside (I work about 50 plus) and he isn't a morning person at all like me, so I have to only try to get him up and maybe I might succeed and maybe I won't. But I love him all the same. so here goes!
Bye! More later. Trisha

1 comment:

  1. today i voted absoluetly wonderful - thats a lot better than needs work! are you a little overwhelmed?!?
