Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More and More To Do

We keep finding more stuff to do. The caulking along the top edge of the counters between the wall and back splash is separating because of cheap counters that were more expensive than the basic are now falling apart. the glue is letting the laminate separate from the board. so I guess you can spend more on looks but they still use the same cheap products to put it together. So now we have a bubble along the top of the back splash. My husband just caulked over it. so who cares huh? I'm done with the counters. They're in. That projects done! I told my husband to have them come fix it but he said it's out of warranty. Stupid. It's now caulked along the wall and hopefully won't be a problem. I'll just hide it with my mixer and flour and sugar canisters!
Just like I'll set up a lot of randomly placed objects along the walls to hide the interestingly textured bottom of the walls where we filled in where the baseboard was!
Doesn't it sound like my house will be wonderful and professionally done? I'll just have a lot of things along the walls! nobody will know! maybe I'll just hang curtains all over! That was my mom's idea to hide the bathroom walls because they might not get painted before the party on Sunday!
Getting exited! My house will be mostly done within the next few days!
Then I get the fun of moving back in after the party because I'll not have time before and the bedrooms won't be finished! Wonderfull! I'll never have everything done at once and will always have something to do! Yeah!! NOT! I want to be done! NOW!

We got that other house! Now we have to fix that up to! except on the sale, we will make $$$$! So will be worth the extra stress hopefully!

It was weird because I was so happy and excited at work today because I won't go back to that one until Monday 6:30 AM! I just now need to remember to go to work at my other job 2-3 days this week!! Life just got more simple huh? Mom and my sister are coming over Thursday to help. My sister to help make cookies for the party, and Mom to help decorate so my house is presentable! Teamwork!

I am just so excited! 'Cause now I see it's almost done and I don't have the patience to wait anymore! I want it all done now! Then I can go through all my treasures JUNK and throw out most of it!

I still need to empty out my cabinets to wash them after getting the tile in- they are still full of concrete dust from before the tile! Maybe I'll weed out my dishes! I have enough to have my own store! And there's only 2 of us!
Arghhhhh! everytime I just stop and think, I think of something else I missed or forgot about that still needs to be done! My mind works faster than my lazy body!
Wish my mind could do it all! 
Going to get up and do something productive! just seems like right now updating my blog isn't the most productive thing to do right now! Not when I got thousands of people potentially coming over in 4 days!

I hope you have the greatest night! I'll be working on my house! sleep an extra wink for me!
No- I'll sleep too, just not untill I see a bit of a difference or start falling asleep against a freshly painted wall!
WooHoo! 11:21PM and I'll start working on my house again! 
 Sleep tight!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


I was sitting on the paint bucket on the way home from the roach motel (Work).

Well I was in the form of a cell phone but whose listening to the facts huh? I was driving home from work and my husband had me on speaker phone so he could still paint. (He had his PHONE sitting on one of the paint buckets.) The living room is done! Well not the edges of the ceiling!
But it's done and now mom can come help me decorate if she still wants to tomarrow! (probably not though because the paint needs to dry). Guess I'll have to do it myself last minute!
Geuss what! I requested a day off from work at each job so if they both give me it off, I'll have 2 days off in a row! 2 together! WOW! ALMOST A WEEKENED! I can't wait!
The color we picked out is a very warm tan color that is similar to the old color, but goes much better with the tile color.
Now I smell paint. Anyone want to come over and smell it too? (I fake excitement) Maybe if I invite enough people over to smell it, they will smell it all up and my house won't smell like it anymore! what a great idea! Anyone want to come filter it out of the air with their lungs?
My whole house is a paint zone. It looks so unorganized and construction site-ish still though. I can only hope it will look better in a week! ONE WEEK! and my house looks like this!
Looks different huh? You can't tell cause you probably didn't see it before.
One room almost done!1 down, the rest of the house to go!
see the difference? the wall in the front of the picture is the new color
and the wall in the background is the old color.

Cruiser acts like life is always wonderful no matter if it's junky.
As long as he gets petted, everything is wonderful!

I am starting to see an end in site. Finally.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

I didn't go Camping.

I had to work. Been sad and disapointed all weekend. Made even worse when I realize I could have had it off and gone camping as it wasn't even busy. I was sent home early both days. Dumb. I am just dissapointed very badly. My boss just gloated and was extremely happy all weekend I was there because she loves to be completely in charge of your life. I've figured that out, and everyone else who works there says the same thing. So it's not just me. She then bragged and left early today to start her days off early. made me not like her any better.
 Why I didn't call in sick I'll never know. would have taught her a lesson. Now I have to wait a whole year before I have another chance to go to camp again. But I still have a job. For how long, who knows. I do know I don't see in my future me working there this time next year. But I will try to get through the busy season. I hear from the other servers you can make good money then. I hope so because then I can pay off the house sooner and not have to work so much! Havn't decided which job to keep yet.
 I havn't taken any new pictures or videos recently, but maybe I will tomarrow.
I am up pretty late and hope I rest well tonight or I will be tired.
Just wishing very badly I could be at camp. Thats all that has been going on in my head this entire weekend.
Sad me.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Painting And Chores

Sunday night, we went out and bought a roll of plastic and a brush. Then my husband started painting the ceiling! The main room ceilings are painted and all we need to do is pick out a color for the walls. I don't know what to pick.
Do you know how many colors are out there?
This morning I pulled weeds out of the front yard, and grass from where I want to plant my succulant garden by the mailbox. I decided we will have to lay down plastic. There is too much grass growing around the mailbox where I want to plant. So that will have to wait.
There are so many things I still need to do around this house, and I don't want ot do them right now.
Cruiser has paint on him again, but this time, he decided to sit on 2 drips of paint and so his leg has 2 white spots because when he sits, he turns his leg sideways and sits on it. Looks funny when he sits as if he's exhausted or lazy or something.
It's cloudy and dark, then the sun comes out for 30 seconds.
I wonder if it will rain. Then the weeds will grow. Then I'll have to pull them again. If only I can convince myself and make myself just go outside every few days to pull the little baby weeds when their easier to pull, then I'll not have to worry about them getting out of hand. It's always easier to say something that makes sense I find.
I will find out today if I can go to Mother's camp or not. The schedual goes for Wednesday - Tuesday for some reason. It was posted Tuesday but who wants to drive 1/2 hour to find out when I work next? My boss never answers her phone, and never calls back unless she feels it's an emergency, so I leave messages on Tuesday's that I will be in 12pm Wednesday unless she calls me. She never calls me. So I go in 12 PM every Wednesday.
Sunday, Wednesday morning, Friday morning and Saturday mornings are all my free time. 2 1/2 total days free broken up throughout the week. I should be able to get everything done, but I am so tired lately with all I have to do, I just be lazy and get very little done. October 7 I might get more hours at one job, so I will quit the other-they just hired a new girl instead of giving everyone more hours! I don't think thats very smart! Oh well. She will be available for when I give my 2 weeks.
anyone know where this big pile of grass came from?

from here.
and here.  
I took all the grass out form the garden side, and here for bricks.

my mismatch walkway to the garden

update on my tree
and some of my watermelons
bunny fingers
2 days after I took this, the vine fell off the fence so they are now resting on the ground. See? Nature takes care of it's self! now I don't have to sling them up!

 one of them split when I forgot to water it one day, so I removed it.
Check out those bell peppers!
one cucumber- fingers crossed it wont rot like the others!

gotta go get ready for work to see if I can go to Mother's camp!
See you later!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hee Hee

I am only thinking about work.... My father in law is going to walk up to his office door this morning and see a purple sticky note that says:
spiders everywhere!
I found a black widow in the
bathroom and there are webs
everywhere with tiny spiders! Help!
Then he'll step into his office to a bunch of spiders! well fake ones and a real dead one (Black widow) I drew 23 little spiders on a ripped up piece of paper towel and wrote out Please Spray! on some of them and aranged them on the floor with the real dead black widow in the middle. I killed him with bleach! windex doesn't hurt them for some reason I find. there are a lot of spider webs with a million little spiders crawling all over everywhere in the wherehouse and I am so terrified of them and it needs to be sprayed again and I keep forgetting to tell him! Oh well. He should be reminded of them again! Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee! Will he be mad? I thought it was funny. :-D Hope he finds the humor in it!

Made bread last night! It was a 2 day process. Started it wednesday morning and it wasn't done raising before I went to work, so I left it for my husband to punch down and he did, and then when I got home late from work, I put them in pans and into the oven to raise overnight so they don't dry out, and forgot about them (well I worked 7AM-6PM at one job, My father in laws office till almost 9) and finally baked them last night. I call that process the lazy process.
The bread rose most of the way I noticed in the morning on Thursday (my Husband likes a cold house at night), but for some reason fell a little during the day, but I baked it anyways, and the bread holds together nicely when sliced! and it is pretty good! I think I added too much ground flax seed though as it kind of overpowers the taste buds, but it's healthy and I will eat it. I put so much grain in it it was quite heavy so I think thats why it rose so slowly because I know I had good yeast or my starter wouldn't have been so bubbly!

Gotta get my house clean and my back yard cleaned up before work today at 12. Having my mom and dad over on Sunday for Labor Day. It was a deal we made. She had 4th of July, I have Labor Day.
only I can't invite anyone with kids over because my house is under construction and there are nails all over the back yard (and goatheads) and my house is not kid proof right now. So it will be a quiet day. There will be noise and ruckus on the 26th!

Well, I'll get back with you later maybe if I don't get home after 9PM! Dishwasher guy will be here tomarrow morning  and I'll have a dishwasher again!!!!!!!!
Have a great day!