Saturday, September 11, 2010

I didn't go Camping.

I had to work. Been sad and disapointed all weekend. Made even worse when I realize I could have had it off and gone camping as it wasn't even busy. I was sent home early both days. Dumb. I am just dissapointed very badly. My boss just gloated and was extremely happy all weekend I was there because she loves to be completely in charge of your life. I've figured that out, and everyone else who works there says the same thing. So it's not just me. She then bragged and left early today to start her days off early. made me not like her any better.
 Why I didn't call in sick I'll never know. would have taught her a lesson. Now I have to wait a whole year before I have another chance to go to camp again. But I still have a job. For how long, who knows. I do know I don't see in my future me working there this time next year. But I will try to get through the busy season. I hear from the other servers you can make good money then. I hope so because then I can pay off the house sooner and not have to work so much! Havn't decided which job to keep yet.
 I havn't taken any new pictures or videos recently, but maybe I will tomarrow.
I am up pretty late and hope I rest well tonight or I will be tired.
Just wishing very badly I could be at camp. Thats all that has been going on in my head this entire weekend.
Sad me.


  1. :( I was sad you couldn't come too.. But on the bright side, you didn't get any bed bugs!! -Christy
