Saturday, September 18, 2010


I was sitting on the paint bucket on the way home from the roach motel (Work).

Well I was in the form of a cell phone but whose listening to the facts huh? I was driving home from work and my husband had me on speaker phone so he could still paint. (He had his PHONE sitting on one of the paint buckets.) The living room is done! Well not the edges of the ceiling!
But it's done and now mom can come help me decorate if she still wants to tomarrow! (probably not though because the paint needs to dry). Guess I'll have to do it myself last minute!
Geuss what! I requested a day off from work at each job so if they both give me it off, I'll have 2 days off in a row! 2 together! WOW! ALMOST A WEEKENED! I can't wait!
The color we picked out is a very warm tan color that is similar to the old color, but goes much better with the tile color.
Now I smell paint. Anyone want to come over and smell it too? (I fake excitement) Maybe if I invite enough people over to smell it, they will smell it all up and my house won't smell like it anymore! what a great idea! Anyone want to come filter it out of the air with their lungs?
My whole house is a paint zone. It looks so unorganized and construction site-ish still though. I can only hope it will look better in a week! ONE WEEK! and my house looks like this!
Looks different huh? You can't tell cause you probably didn't see it before.
One room almost done!1 down, the rest of the house to go!
see the difference? the wall in the front of the picture is the new color
and the wall in the background is the old color.

Cruiser acts like life is always wonderful no matter if it's junky.
As long as he gets petted, everything is wonderful!

I am starting to see an end in site. Finally.


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