Monday, July 30, 2012

Birthday aftermath

Yesterday we spent celebrating my sister's 25th birthday party even though it was on Saturday.

This morning, my garbage can smells like birthday. Chocolate cake, pop cups and candles.

And this:
Makes me smile. My baby nephew did this. With 2 fingers. 2 chubby fingers pinching together pulling the moss out little by little. Why I think this is cute I'll never know, but I would just love to have so may messes like this I would just be weary on seeing the next because then it would mean I'd have my own baby.

My other nephew spent some time with this tonka truck collecting rocks and driving around.
He also looked like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes after I spiked his hair.

So that is the total of my aftermath.

Happy birthday my sister! You're now a quarter of a century old now!
Now I'm not the only kid from our family turning the corner!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Vroom... Vroom...

When you have neighbors as lovely enough to do this to your yard, it really makes you want to move.
What would drive them to go 4 wheeling through my yard?????

I give up. I don't know how to keep this cactus alive. We'll see if it makes it this time. It barely recovered from someone hacking off all it's arms, and now I'm back again where I started. We're restarting almost every year now from 1 stick. I had to cut the the 3 smashed ones off today as they were starting to wrinkle up. The remaining one is smashed and wrinkly too but may survive.
We'll see.

I truly believe someone is out there who doesn't want my yard to look pretty.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Clean fresh smelling car

This is the back of my car:
Here is the seat. X conveniently marks the spot even though I didn't put it there.
Here are the tools:
Yup! My car is clean now! It's only been about a month since Ollie peed in my car....

Nice and fresh now!

Monday, July 16, 2012

SRP's Arizona Falls

We went there Sunday afternoon. The air was disgustingly sticky moist and deathly hot warm. We were cooled by the spray of fish water coming off the man made waterfalls and reminded by a sign that the water was not safe to drink or swim in until it was decontaminated.

With all facts of what it really was, I truly enjoyed it. It was fun to see and experience. And sorry mom. I guess I don't remember going there when I was little. Just like my nephews probably won't remember they were once there. But I got to see it through their eyes and see the joy on their faces.

You are here.

 High five

 Fish. Pew.
 top side of it. Water going in.

 Big OLD tree
 one baby feets!
 two baby feets
 Big machinery to open it up

All these pictures and I forgot to turn around and take a picture of the 2 falls behind me! Oh well! Guess you hafta go there to see them now!

We had fun there, then we went out to eat ice cream but I only had 2 bites!
Have a fun rest of your day!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Conspiracy Theory

Happy National Ice Cream Day!

So we ate fried foods, now we are to eat ice cream? It just gets better and better don't it? No wonder so many people are fat! Just follow the National Holiday traditions and you will be too! Time to stop.

I really just don't know what exactly conspiracy theory means, it just sounds good to use today.

Do you think the nation is trying to make us fat? Or is it ignoring the fact we will get fat just as long as it keeps us all happy with National Holidays celebrating food? We already know everyone celebrates all other holidays with beer. Are they trying to turn people towards the food instead?

My breakfast today consists of one branch green kale, and one branch purple kale. for my dessert, I am eating a raw cinnamon roll made of cinnamon, dates, raisins, olive oil, almond flour, flax seed flour, vanilla, and a pinch of cayenne pepper and salt.

This way of eating kale for breakfast is the best thing I can do for myself. I feel it starts me out right for the day. You know your body needs kale if you force yourself to eat it for breakfast every day for a week, or until you run out of your bunch, then stop and the next morning it feels like something is missing. And then the cravings start. Kale has calcium, and folic acid as well as cancer killing and prohibiting properties. And so much more.

I still do not enjoy the taste 100%, but I can say I am getting more used to it as time goes by.


Friday, July 13, 2012


It's French Fries Day!

Holy cow! What were they thinking? first fried chicken day, now this? DO THEY WANT TO MAKE ME FAT?
NO! I will NOT participate! Seriously, though, who comes up with these? what will it be next? Fried Ice cream day?

Guess what popped up in my pink zinnia patch?
Orange zinnias! Aren't they the most beautifully unexpected thing?
And I have balls. What kind of balls, I still don't know. but they are getting bigger. This mystery garden is taxing me.
And this heat hath made my strawberry plants almost give up.
Cloudy and overcast it is this morning. Will it rain? right now the sun is peeping out.
Weird weather indeed. It is cool out.
See you later! My 4 day weekend starts!

Friday, July 6, 2012

National Fried Chicken Day.

Today is National Fried Chicken Day. Did you have your fried chicken?

I did. We had Denny's Samplers for supper with seasoned fries. They fried them in old grease. But we ate all of it. Then I realized I forgot to dip it in the sauces. And I already ate all of it. And it would have tasted better.


Oh well. I'll use the ranch on my salad.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Coyotes mean you're in the desert which was exactly where we were on Monday: (There were 2. You can see the other's rear end in the lower left corner sticking out from behind the tree.)
 We also saw this lizard on Sunday at my parents house.
So I guess if there are desert animals, I must live in the desert huh?
Have a good day.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July Fourth

Happy 4th Of July!!!!!!

I don't think there will be fireworks tonight though because it is cloudy, and breezy, and it sprinkled earlier, and they don't explode fireworks in conditions like this.

On June 30th, Deer Valley Park had fireworks.
I only filmed the end.

Have a Happy and Wonderful 4th of July!

I'll be working making double time pay! See you later!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

explosion reported in the kitchen

There has been an overabundance of baked items made.
Last 2 days + Busy busy in the kitchen = lots of food.
I made:
6 loaves (2 each of 3 types) wheat bread
3 Pullas
2 cinnamon roll pans

All this made because......
Today is where it gets exciting! I get to see my brother from Alaska!
I'm not going to bring all my bread to the big Birthday bash/welcome here party, but I plan on bringing 1 of each.

We are also having the same people who looked at our house yesterday come back today this morning sometime (they don't know when-isn't that great?) which means instead of going to church like we were planning on, we are now going to babysit the dog in the cat pee car. It's too hot to leave him in the car to go inside somewhere, and it's too hot for his feet to go for a walk. So I hope they don't take long and I hope they stay long if that means anything... I want to go to church, but I also want them to stay long enough to see the house to like it and buy it.

My newest thing: DRAGONFRUIT:
Surprisingly good and exotic. 3 bucks each at Winco.

I'll see you later! I gotta go get ready to go which means cleaning and packing food and the dog.