Monday, July 16, 2012

SRP's Arizona Falls

We went there Sunday afternoon. The air was disgustingly sticky moist and deathly hot warm. We were cooled by the spray of fish water coming off the man made waterfalls and reminded by a sign that the water was not safe to drink or swim in until it was decontaminated.

With all facts of what it really was, I truly enjoyed it. It was fun to see and experience. And sorry mom. I guess I don't remember going there when I was little. Just like my nephews probably won't remember they were once there. But I got to see it through their eyes and see the joy on their faces.

You are here.

 High five

 Fish. Pew.
 top side of it. Water going in.

 Big OLD tree
 one baby feets!
 two baby feets
 Big machinery to open it up

All these pictures and I forgot to turn around and take a picture of the 2 falls behind me! Oh well! Guess you hafta go there to see them now!

We had fun there, then we went out to eat ice cream but I only had 2 bites!
Have a fun rest of your day!

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