Friday, July 13, 2012


It's French Fries Day!

Holy cow! What were they thinking? first fried chicken day, now this? DO THEY WANT TO MAKE ME FAT?
NO! I will NOT participate! Seriously, though, who comes up with these? what will it be next? Fried Ice cream day?

Guess what popped up in my pink zinnia patch?
Orange zinnias! Aren't they the most beautifully unexpected thing?
And I have balls. What kind of balls, I still don't know. but they are getting bigger. This mystery garden is taxing me.
And this heat hath made my strawberry plants almost give up.
Cloudy and overcast it is this morning. Will it rain? right now the sun is peeping out.
Weird weather indeed. It is cool out.
See you later! My 4 day weekend starts!

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