Friday, October 5, 2012

How to Cut a Pineapple

First, sit the pineapple on the counter to ripen fully. It must smell wonderful first and be golden colored or don't bother with it at all. You need to buy a good one. It must not have too much green, and it must be darker yellow at least. You need to be very particular about this. I have gone to the store before to buy pineapple and go home with out if they have a green batch or one that looks yucky sickly yellow. Don't waste your time if they don't have good fruit. It's worth it to wait.
Twist the top off and rinse your fruit very well:
This top part you can plant. I'll show you about that tomorrow.
Don't worry about the hole; you're not going to use that part anyways.
Lay it on it's side, and trim off the top and bottom:
turn it right side up, and slice off just the outside edge. You don't want to waste all that juicy fruit!
See the little brown pieces? Trim them off very carefully. They are edible, but hard to chew. The smaller darker pieces are just seeds. You can leave them.They're edible.
Next, put the top or bottom facing up, and see the white ring in the middle? cut an X all the way through the entire pineapple staying centered on that white ring.
1st one way:
Then the next:
This is what your left with:
Cut off the center part with the knife at an angle:
So you're left with pieces looking like this: (You can eat the center. It's very fibrous and chewy. Or juice it. I choose not to eat it, but it would make great juice if you have a juicer.)
Next, slice it length-wise:
Then cut them into smaller pieces cross-wise:
You should have something that looks like this:
MMMMMMM. Fruit salad size! You can stop here and eat it, or refrigerate it. It will only last a day or two. You could probably freeze it too for smoothies.
To dehydrate, each pineapple makes 1 dehydrator tray worth of fruit. Try not to overlap them, but they can touch one another.
MMMMMMM! Dehydrated pineapple is a treat in our house and tastes better than candy!
Hope you learned something from this! I love pineapple and enjoy cutting it up as much as I do eating it!

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