Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Plants

Remember this picture?
It now looks like this: Fire crackers!
 My garden is a violent burst of color and texture. Cantaloupes are producing again.
 Even though many people probably think my garden needs help, it did this all on it's own, and I admire the many layers. It just takes care of it's self. I like the loose carefree feeling it has. And it still makes fruit.
 Silhouettes of asparagus: (I dread having to dig them up- they are so happy here.)
 Asparagus seed pods:
 The only unwelcome thing is the goat heads that got out of hand because I haven't been in the garden for a couple of months to weed: Instant ground cover that keeps the dog out!
 And my date palms are still growing! A few have 4 leaves already! Now if I can just remember to water them! Then they can get strong and healthy before winter...
I have to be at work early one more day, then be there regular times for the rest of the week! I get a 1 day weekend on Monday, Then work 4 days, then I'll have 3 whole days off! I am more excited about that then you can imagine! I have my whole life planned on those 3 days! I'll get to live again! By that time, I'll have 2 new servers completely trained, and hopefully have started training 2-3 more.
Work is sapping too much of my energy right now and it feels like I'm being run into the ground. The extra help will be truely a blessing!
See you later! Have a bright cheerful day! Imagine wild zinnias in the gardens all over the world! Because I think the world would be so beautiful if everyone had a zinnia growing somewhere on their land!

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