Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Day of the Year 2010!

Look what happened!
I sprained my wrist. don't try to turn your wrist when carriying 2 pump-pots for coffee... it doesn't help my ego that they were empty either..... just saying... I'm helping you to learn what not to do.... let the dumb people be the learning steps to your brighter knowledge! you now have the knowledge that when you're holding 2 pump pots, it's easier to set them down then try to turn your hand to re-adjust for a more "comfortable" position. You'll hear a pop, and then you find out you've strained the triangular fibrocartilage complex ligament. the doctor had a whole long sentance in big words of the detail-istics to the extent of the injury, but as he said, I didn't understand the strange words he was saying. I was glad to see the paper at the end of the visit stating "wrist sprain" cause it's easier to say....

I should've had him write the diagnosis down.....

Oh well.


At work the other day, I noticed this on the front window! That was one DIRTY BIRD!
notice the beak and head detail? and the round poooooof of it's body? and the feathers on the outstreched wings forever suspended in it's fateful unsmartful last flight for a while(if it didn't die)? the only missing detail is it's little toes as it apparently had them tucked up and thought it didn't need to land anytime soon..... What was it thinking at that time????- "JUST FLYING AND JUST STILL FLYING AND OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH LOOK!!!! SHINY AIR!!!! JUST FLY THROUGH THE SHINY AIR AND-" WHAM BAM BONK!!!!!!! "OUCH!" You'd have to be pretty dumb to not notice a dirty window -what was it doing? Flying with it's eyes closed???
you can totaly tell it was a dove! I didn't see the actual body- just an imprint, but judging on the body imprint of impact, I do believe he/she lost quite a few brain cells. Just shows I clean the windows all too well aparantly huh?

Maybe I should wash it off, but I think I will just clean around it next time and see how long it lasts. I kinda like it! I had this facination with it when I first saw it and even stopped and stared at it from all different angles, and the first thing I thought of was "Dang! I don't even have my camara with me!" and what to my delight, when I went back to clean again, it was still there!-(It's my job to wash windows there and I don't that often obviously)- So now I'm sharing it with you!

Oranges- I have 2 grocery bags full- one from work-one of the resident sons came with his truck bed full of oranges he had picked and was giving them away, the second from the neighbor. MMMMMMMM! they are so sweet! I wish mine would ripen, but we have learned from past experience and many wasted oranges later, ours don't ripen till the end of February or beginning of March! and we have about 20 on the tree this year!

I am making a roast and mashed potatoes and corn for supper tonight. seems like a nice meal for a cold day.

                              Puppy likes Papaya

I actually didn't mind the taste, and wish it could have been sweeter, but absolutely was pretty put off by the smell of it when I cut it open -reminds me of rot.

Been exhausted lately- I've started finally catching up on sleep lost from the Holidays and havn't been eating right, and I'm pretty sure I also can't handle 800mg Ibuprofin every 8 hours they perscribed me for "pain" what pain? I asked why I had to take it cause it didn't hurt and the nurse said so it doesn't swell. I guess it reduces inflamation. I took it 3 times to humor her, and after feeling high and so tired after each time, and getting a weird headache yesterday, I decided no more- it's poisening me instead and I havn't had any ill effects other than tiredness since so I'm officially cured I've decided but will leave the claustrofobic-ating brace on till the next appointment as I was asked too.

Kind of nice at work though- I have the less labor intensive parts, but still work just as hard doing other things I can do. I have a very weak wrist though- I feel like a wimp.

Arggh! never ask someone "what happened?" You'll look like a dweeb- just be comforted with the fact that you know without asking that "they got hurt" You don't NEED to know the details. It gets ANNOYING!!!! having to explain the whole sequence of events to each person. I feel like writing in permanent black marker on my shirt and saying read my shirt next time someone asks!
Sheesh!!!! nosy people!
Just say "Are you ok? Hope your ____insert hurt body part here____ feels better!" I mean not to seem rude, but the hurt person is probably not happy with their injury and it's degrading to keep having to be reminded of how they got it!
I do apreciate the fact that you care enough about me to aknowlege I'm hurt though.

anyways, gotta go, and will write next time I feel like it -like next year sometime!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Interesting! See? it IS a vegetable!

"Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Sugarcanes
  • Sugarcane, being low on glycemic index, helps keep the body fit and healthy.
  • Sugarcane juice has been found to be very beneficial for preventing as well as treating sore throat, cold and flu.
  • Since sugarcane has no simple sugar, it can be enjoyed by diabetics without any fear. However, they intake should still be limited for people suffering from type-2 diabetes.
  • Being alkaline in nature, sugarcane juice helps the body in fighting against cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer.
  • Sugarcane provides glucose to the body, which is stored as glycogen and burned by the muscles, whenever they require energy. Therefore, it is considered to be one of the best sources of energy.
  • If you have been exposed to heat and physical activity for too long, drink sugarcane juice. It will help hydrate the body quickly.
  • Sugarcane is believed to strengthen stomach, kidneys, heart, eyes, brain, and sex organs.
  • Sugarcane juice is an excellent substitute for aerated drinks and cola.
  • Sugarcane clears the urinary flow and also helps the kidney to perform its functions smoothly.
  • Sugarcane juice has been found to be good for those who are suffering from febrile disorders. Febrile disorders are responsible for causing fevers, which can result in a great amount of protein loss from the body. Liberal consumption of sugar cane juice provides the necessary protein and other food elements to the body.
  • Sugarcane is beneficial for micturation, caused due to high acidity, along with genorrhoea, enlarged prostate, cyctitis and nepthritis. Mixing sugarcane juice with lime juice, ginger juice and coconut water will give better results.
  • Sugarcane juice is said to speed up the recovery process after jaundice.
  • As sugarcane consists of carbohydrates, in good quantities, it serves to refresh and energize the body. It supplies instant energy to working muscles and for this reason, it is also known to maximize performance in sports and endurance.
  • Sugarcane is also good for digestion, as it can effectively work as a mild laxative because of its high potassium content. "

I was worried that when eating the sugar cane I bought Wednesday it would be a major overload of sugar, but shockingly and amazingly, it's not the same as the white granual stuff you buy processed and prepackaged in the store! And it tastes amazingly different! Sweet, but not too sweet. and I bet whatever calories that are in it are burned by the chewing you have to do to extract the juice.

                       ON THE MENU TODAY:

                                            My Breakfast
                                                 1 deviled egg, turkey meat, and 1 navel orange
                                               My Snack
                                                                         1 cucumber
                                               My Lunch
                                      2 1/2 cups smoothie, banana, and carrot and celery sticks
-2 big leaves collard greens with stems
-4 leaves red lettude with ribs
-3 leaves romaine lettuce with ribs
-about 10 large spinach leaves with stems
-4 large sprigs parsley
-1 mango peeled and pitted
-1 gala apple (I didn't peel it)
chop the greens into about 1 inch square pieces, then blend in blender. do not add water (it will need coaxing). add chopped fruit, blend well.

It tastes sweet, but not too sweet, with a nice "green taste"
I have to admit when I added the collard greens, I thought I won't like it. but you can't taste it at all. I found out I reeeeeallllllllyyyyy DON"T like collard greens plain at all!!!!!-even cooked! But it's thankfully undetectable in a smoothie. I decided to start trying to add other weird greens I don't normally use to my diet. collard greens, fresh parsley and cilantro are some I'm starting with.

I LOVE THE GREEN COLOR! It looks fresh! I want to paint my walls with it!
when I saw pictures of other people's green concoctions, I thought gross! it can't taste too good! but the taste really reminds me of those little expensive bottles of juice you buy in the refridgerated "healthy juice" isle at a store.(I put quotes cause it's pasturized and has no usable nutrients) I can't remember the brand though- Bottle house or something.

I would really love to have a vitamix blender though cause there are little bits of apple peel mixed in that my blender can't puree to nothingness. But over all, I'm impressed with the texture.

just the smoothie alone is filling! I'm thinking my meal will have to be spread out over an hour or so.
But I am impressed and recommend this to anyone who wants to try it! My 1st smoothie I made without a recipe and I got great results!
My Snack
Sugarcane, pecans and brazilnuts
My Supper
 spagetti noodles (maybe homemade if I feel like it) with raw pasta sauce, jicama, and kiwi

I will probably not hear the end of not serving meat to my husband tonight, so I'll put meat in my husband's. I came across a raw pasta sauce recipe that sounds good and I have all the ingredients for it and would like to try it for myself.
                                            My all-time favorite Ollie picture:
                                   These are my sister's cats but my mom says they're her's now
                                    Lucy hiding under a warm heating pad to warm her delicate self

Well, I'll write more maybe later

Friday, December 10, 2010


I was at the new house dump today cleaning. I was gone for 5 hours counting as soon as I left till I came back. YUCK! I first swept and swept and swept the tile and it only came a little cleaner.

Then I got down and started scrubbing tile with a scrub brush and a rag with soapy water. My wrist is crampy and sore now. But it looks cleaner! If I didn't see improvement, I probably would have ripped it all out right there! I took a break about halfway through the big section of tile, and trimed the neighbors tree that's hanging into the backyard!

The neighbors walked out so it's vacant, and the tree looks lots better now. I also cut the bushes in the front yard. The house looks so much nicer! Then I went back to the tile. I scrubbed about half of what was left, and noticed a big roach come walking out across the tile. I just hurried and wiped over the tops of the rest of the tiles and packed up and left. I don't like roaches! I'll finish another day! I just have the entryway, bathroom, and the main area of the kitchen.

Here are some before pictures! you'll have to watch my video to see the after. I didn't take pictures of the after!
 the painting is almost done! We're using the same colors as inside our house.
in front of the sink cabinets. the dishwasher hole is in the front of the picture.
                                        I don't want to know what these water marks are from.....
 this part is where the fridge was

this is in front of the oven.

 the laundry room. cute door details and dryer vent hole with gas hookup sticking out of the wall
where the washer's supposed to go.

heres during cutting the bushes- I started cutting and decided maybe take a picture 1st!
                                                                      trimming the 1st bush
                                                                   My clippers I used
front of the house. the striped wall is the one my husband built. it's unfinished
                     TA -DAH! look how pretty they look now!
 look what I found in the bushes! 3 hornet nests and a stuffed lion. I'll wash the lion for Cruiser
whats next:
                                                         pee encrusted Bathroom floor.
                                    unidentified yucky drippies on the wall from behind the mirror
                                                                dried pee around the toilet
moldy dirty tub cracks. I must admit I am impressed. they at least cleaned the tub! It is dusty, but not as gross as the rest of the house. unless they never bathed......
extra bedroom wall where mirrors were glued to the top half. had to hit it with a hammer to get it down. no other way. they used liquid nails.... dangerous glassy mess.
 the same room looking through the hall door. that window is broken so they glued a board to the inside AND to the outside right over the broken glass. extra reinforcment I guess.... You also might notice the shiny metal reinforcment of the door jam they put on (left side of the picture) there's some on the door too. WHY!??????!!??
the master room closet with the clothes rack attached to the very tippy top of the closet. I can't reach it, so I have no idea why it's up there. They must've had only looooooong dresses cause there's not a rack for shirts and pants underneath like most real fancy closets have. This is also one of the things about this house that makes me wonder WHY?!??!
construction mess. I'm standing in the corner of the living room looking towards the kitchen. The camara only makes it look clean. It really isn't. I'm about half way done with the tile floor you see in this picture.
this is a horrible picture, but I didn't want to retake it. this is the wall my husband built. You can see it better from the outside in the picture above.

Anyways, enough of the dirty house tour! I've uploaded more videos so take a look if you want! I put some up of my shopping trip, and the house and garden.

See ya later!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I peeled the chayote squash tonight. I had to grit my teeth and hold my tongue cause the thorns are so horribly sharp, they pierce your skin before you even have hold of it! Then, there is a wierd slimy gummy sort of sappy substance under the skin that comes out of the fruit when you cut it. It stays on your hands after you rinse them too. Then dries and cracks and you can scratch/rub it off. Wierd stuff.
                                         Chayote Squash above    Jicama below            
from the MCL Fresh Inc website:
"SPINY CHAYOTE SQUASH: A cousin of Chayote Squash, the Spiny Chayote
Squash is pear shaped and pear sized, with uneven furrows running its length.
But that is where the similarities stop, because the Spiny Chayote Squash is
dark green and has spines or thorns all over the outside. Spiny Chayote has a
crisp whitish flesh that has a high water content and a subtle flavor. It contains a
single stone that is 1 to 2 inches long and that sprouts inside the ripe fruit. Spiny
Chayote can be eaten raw or cooked. In raw form, it is often added to salads or
served on its own with a bit of vinaigrette. In Latin American cooking, it is most
commonly halved and stuffed, as either a main course or dessert. In Asian cooking
it is used in soups, braised, and stir-fried with meat, even stuffed. This item
may replace Summer Squash in most recipes. Raw Spiny Chayote Squash is a
good source of potassium and contains vitamin C, and folic acid."

What an exciting food! It tastes great raw- kind of reminds me of jicama and a raw russet potato with the starchiness and kind of like sugarcane or cucumber with the sweetness! Kinda surprised me!

I went to the Pro's Ranch Market today!
total cost $16.33
Check this out!   SUGAR CANE!
my ceilings are about 8 feet tall. Sugar cane price- $1.99 GROWN IN THE USA!!!! Who can't beat that when you're curious!
Just kinda akward when you try push it around in your grocery cart while you finish shopping and try put it in your car to take home!
I cut off about a foot of it before taking this picture and we ate it. Yum! It's pretty good! just takes a while to spit all the fibers out after sucking the juice out..... but it's pretty easy to peel!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's my excitment!)

Counters full of food again!
6 apples, 1 orange, and 2 limes are from the last trip
not in this picture, but also puchased today are 2 bunches cilantro, 1 bunch parsley, 1 jicama(pictured above), sugarcane(also pictured above), celery, about 5 pounds dry pinto beans- I think that's all.
Well worth the cost I think- I still love that place!
 made chocolate avocado pudding with sugar, honey, cornstarch, avocados, and cocoa powder! MMMMMMMMM!
I love avocados! I crave them sometimes! and Chocolate! So this is the perfect combination! I crave this pudding sometimes too!

LOOK!- someone at work threw away this HUGE stack of magazines! So being the dumpster diver junk collector I am, I grabbed them up and went home with the loot! Can't wait to be able to sit down and read them cover to cover and make some of the projects!
anyways, gotta go and finish supper! I just burned my wild rice mixture trying to finish writing this! (I wasn't keeping an eye on the water level)
but (imagine a picture of wonder woman with her fist punching out) it can be saved!
 It only started burning, so I dumped the loose unstuck rest of it onto a plate and put some water on it, covered it up with another plate, and will let it sit a while till I finish up the rest of the meal!
will write more Friday cause I have work tomorrow and also have the office to clean!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

I had fun!

Last night was fun at the Christmas Party! We had stew, salad, bread, greenbeans, broccoli, blackberries, cheese, crackers, cakes, candies, cookies, etc..........
and a white elephant gift exchange, and singing, and walking to the courthouse lighting, and talking, and holding my cute nephew, and seeing my aunt and cousin from MN, and my mom and dad, brother and sisters, and everyone's spouses, my cousins and aunts and uncles, and grandpa and grandma.
Lots of fun.
I have to go now and wake my husband cause we need to start getting ready for church. So will try post later!

UPDATE: He says he's too tired and not getting up and not going anywhere today.
So I'm sitting at home today with a tired man and don't get to sing the 1st verse of the advent song at church today. I guess I'll just wrap the Christmas gifts I have and change the sheets today so I don't get too bored..........

UPDATE: He wasn't kidding- it is now 3:21PM and he's still sleeping!

UPDATE: 4:41PM He's emerged from the bedroom! The first words he uttered were "It's 5 o'clock?"

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Last night my husband decided he needed new jeans.
He always needs new jeans.
He puts holes in them, paints in them, works in them, etc...... 
I've even caught him working in new brand new jeans!
Anyways, after 2 stores, about 30 pairs tried on, all different shapes and sizes -even from 2 pairs where the tag says they're the same size, brand and cut- we came home with none.
We tried.
 I've decided the only way my husband will probably get a pair of jeans he likes, will be ones I have to make for him. But I don't know how to sew jeans! We discussed the important issues of maybe we can get a pair tailored to fit him, and maybe he'll just have to break down and buy $175 pairs cause they fit him and ......    But in the end, we still didn't come home with a new pair.

I need to go get ready to go to Prescott for the Christmas party. I need to find my cotton tights-for under my pants cause it's cold walking to the courthouse lighting- and my nice blue warm winter jacket and hat I got for Christmas a couple years ago, and some warm shoes and mittens. I think I'm a wimp when it comes to winter, but I love the sun and heat! that's why I still live in AZ. Maybe I need to move closer to the equator or a very tropical region or something!
But then I'll get botflies. so maybe not.

I still have more Christmas gifts to buy. I have 5 people done and have 5 more to go! I'm trying to get useful gifts this year that don't just take up wasted space but will be enjoyed, but am finding it hard. I set a budget for myself cause I always overspend at Christmas, and we're trying really hard to pay off stuff. So that makes it harder.

For breakfast this morning, I had a fuji apple, almost an entire cucumber, and grapes. It doesn't sound like much, but it was a plateful cut up and I got full. I'll have a morning snack later of maybe pasta or a plate of mixed vegetables and fruits, or a green smoothie with collard greens and fruit- I havn't decided yet. For lunch, maybe some bread and a little turkey with kiwi and avocado on the side. for my afternoon snack, it's tradition to stop at the gas station at the turn between freeways on the way to Prescott to get a little snack, but I'm finding I'm truthfully feeling sick to the stomach at the thought of eating the peach rings I usually get! :-P so maybe I'll just bring along a small snack of some sort- maybe celery sticks and a package of crackers or something- maybe a "hint of salt"- inside joke. (I bought a package of crackers that advertized "A Hint of Salt!" on the box so my husband calls them "a hint of salt" as in "Can you hand me some more hint of salt?")

It's funny cause I realized this morning I went all day yesterday without meat unintentionally! I was so excited at all the fruits and vegetables we have in the house I just snacked on them all day! I even made an avocado chocolate honey vanilla pudding! wouldn't recommend it though if you don't like the flavor of honey. the recipe I found online called for agave necter and I absolutely refuse to eat that crap- it's made the exact way as High frustose corn syrup, and has the exact if not more glucose level as High fructose corn syrup. It just has a prettier name is all. It still raises your blood sugar levels the same. So I refuse to eat it.

I'll eat a whole bag of regular cane sugar before artificial syrups like corn and agave. Your liver has to process corn and agave syrup. It aparently is recognized as a poisen to your body and I avoid it as much as possible!

Anyways, I'm going to get lost in the darker depths of my garage to atempt to locate my warm clothing. Send out a search party if I don't surface within 10 minutes! Thats all I'll give myself before I'll give up.

Have a great day!

Friday, December 3, 2010


HELP! look what naughty Cruiser did! (there was more behind me as well!)
I'm so glad he didn't pull ALL of the stuffing out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that he didn't do it in the backyard!-then I would be wrestling it out of the grass!

I havn't decided yet if I should fix it and give it back so I can go through this again with a potentialy worse result, or if I should just throw it away! I'm leaning towards throwing it out but will have to get the ok from my husband first who bought it from a garage sale for $0.25! He was like "but it was only 25 cents!"

I was impressed he had washed it before giving it to Cruiser first! This stuffed bear lasted a LOOOOOONG time! and I kept waiting for Cruiser to ruin it so I could throw it away cause it's so monstrously HUGE!!!!! But all he did was pull the arm off so it's an easy fix unfortunetly!

only his bed he left mostly clean! He usually "fluffs" his bedding, but hasn't been doing it much recently!
But the stuffing! I'm always amazed at how much is in these stuffed animals!
The innocent suspect found nowhere near the scene of the crime -Who would ever think such a cute innocent looking puppy would make a mess like that? Do those eyes look guilty or what????
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! We've eaten lots of it already so it's not all we had.
Chayote Squash next to some of the world's most hugest navel oranges! I've never had Chayote to my knowledge, so I'm hoping I'll figure out what to do with it before it rots! but it sure is poky! owch!
My fridge full of greens and watermelon from my garden! and about 10 large cucumbers! 11 for $0.99 at Pro's Ranch Market! So I bought 12- what was I thinking! but they're so crispy sweet good! and they have pina colada yogurt!I love that place! It has such a beautiful produce section and the produce was so cheap! and Fresh! it opened on wednesday and was so well worth the 1 1/2 hours I stood in line waiting to enter!
         -and yes I officially have no life!-
I figured I had nothing else to do that day but clean my house and I was SOOOOOO excited to see the inside of that store and buy cheap produce that I didn't mind the wait and actually enjoyed it cause it gave me a chance to relax and I people watched and the bakery department people came out with cookies many times and I got 2 of them! 
There was so many people but I kept my hand locked over the zipper of my purse the entire time and never felt scared except for near the end of waiting in line when a strange and creepy mexican guy who ducked under the line barrier next to me kept creeping along in line with me getting closer and closer to me till I made a big loud fuss and yelled that the end of the line is back there and go away! and shooed my arms like a deranged weirdo till he scooched back in line about 10 people cause he felt stupid enough too even though he just stared at me like he couldn't comprehend....( I really did do that! and I'm proud of it!) and it was so exciting and .....

 I could go on! but I thought the wait well worth it for the price I got my groceries for! I was so excited shopping and it was so crowded and I had to wait in a long line again to buy my food, but was fun waiting (people watching). I was quite irritated at myself for getting in the line that was backed up into the fake perfumy chemical isle and ended up getting a headache waiting in line there, but I lucked out at getting the fastest line after a well trained cashier took over to let the other one go home! So the line went so fast after that!

my cute sweet puppy- I didn't even disipline him after he "unfluffed" his bear! He was just so innocently curiously watching me clean it up I couldn't "bear" to do it! I laughed and actually thought it a funny mess! It was so big!

Like the desktop on my computer??? My husband says "save the planet!" when I come up with new ideas to save $$$ cause he thinks that's why I change things and that's not true, so I came up with a better idea to show him it's not about saving the planet, but a way to live cheaply without fighting with him. (cause I could care less about "saving" the planet.) I'm not a tree hugger, but someone who would like to live a life as healthy and cheaply as I can. Surrounded with things I care about- not tons of useless chemical filled junk filling up my house! I think he thinks that way cause I like to buy things that aren't made of plastic which leaches chemicals into your food and prefer organic and things made out of natural materials that don't have harmful manmade chemicals in them!

I prefer to live this way cause since changing my living habits (going mostly chemical free), I've had less headaches and when I do get one, they aren't as bad and don't last as long as they used to!
 But maybe I'm just labeled as a wierdo tree hugger sort of person cause of the way I like to live even though I use paper and all paper products cause trees are a
I use rags though in place of paper towels not to save trees, but to save money- you just throw away money with each paper towel, but I wash laundry anyways so whats the difference of washing a few more rags? they don't make a whole new load themselves! I don't even use much!

Whew! I feel much calmer now that I ranted and raved to all you people! I don't even know who all reads my words and thoughts on here!
would be nice to know who all you people who read my words are! But I guess if you want a life of secret annonymous-ness then go ahead. :-)

Going to a Christmas party tomorrow! Will get to see my aunts and uncles and hopefully if they go-my preciously cute baby nephew who I could just eat up cause he's so sweet!

Who would of thought my sister could make the world's sweetest cutest babys!

 I never thought the most wonderful feelings of aunty-love towards your nephews could come out till I saw my very first nephew! and how special he was- and perfectly beautiful! It's a whole new loving caring nurturing feeling when they are of your own flesh and blood! and it just deepens when you see your second nephew and you realize how special and what an honor it is to be blessed with little babies who will become the next generation of your family and you get to be a part of their life as they grow! I remember all my aunts and uncles growing up and they played a huge role in my life and helped shape me with who I am today. It's almost scary to think I'm now in their shoes! I get to see this beautiful little boy grow up and get to be a part of his life cause I'll be his aunty forever! And I'm SOOOOOO lucky! I got the cutest ones!
I feel I'm getting all mushy, but it's so hard to explain the happy feelings you get when you become an aunt!

Anyways, I just noticed the sun is starting to go down and I really should finish cleaning my house! I got so much done today, I'm excited to finish! I can't believe the amounts of energy you get from eating healthy! I've been eating very little meat and dairy, (I won't cut it out entirely cause I feel there are nutrients your body needs in them) and I've been eating so much fruits and vegetables lately that strangly, I am now experiencing a new type of energy I've not felt in a very long time! I feel so energized and alive!It's strange but I can actually feel it coursing through my veins and I don't think I'm imagining it! I feel I'm coming out of my tired exhausted rut and into life the way it should be! I feel like being part of the world again!
Look out world! I'm back!
Have a great rest of your day!