Friday, December 3, 2010


HELP! look what naughty Cruiser did! (there was more behind me as well!)
I'm so glad he didn't pull ALL of the stuffing out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that he didn't do it in the backyard!-then I would be wrestling it out of the grass!

I havn't decided yet if I should fix it and give it back so I can go through this again with a potentialy worse result, or if I should just throw it away! I'm leaning towards throwing it out but will have to get the ok from my husband first who bought it from a garage sale for $0.25! He was like "but it was only 25 cents!"

I was impressed he had washed it before giving it to Cruiser first! This stuffed bear lasted a LOOOOOONG time! and I kept waiting for Cruiser to ruin it so I could throw it away cause it's so monstrously HUGE!!!!! But all he did was pull the arm off so it's an easy fix unfortunetly!

only his bed he left mostly clean! He usually "fluffs" his bedding, but hasn't been doing it much recently!
But the stuffing! I'm always amazed at how much is in these stuffed animals!
The innocent suspect found nowhere near the scene of the crime -Who would ever think such a cute innocent looking puppy would make a mess like that? Do those eyes look guilty or what????
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! We've eaten lots of it already so it's not all we had.
Chayote Squash next to some of the world's most hugest navel oranges! I've never had Chayote to my knowledge, so I'm hoping I'll figure out what to do with it before it rots! but it sure is poky! owch!
My fridge full of greens and watermelon from my garden! and about 10 large cucumbers! 11 for $0.99 at Pro's Ranch Market! So I bought 12- what was I thinking! but they're so crispy sweet good! and they have pina colada yogurt!I love that place! It has such a beautiful produce section and the produce was so cheap! and Fresh! it opened on wednesday and was so well worth the 1 1/2 hours I stood in line waiting to enter!
         -and yes I officially have no life!-
I figured I had nothing else to do that day but clean my house and I was SOOOOOO excited to see the inside of that store and buy cheap produce that I didn't mind the wait and actually enjoyed it cause it gave me a chance to relax and I people watched and the bakery department people came out with cookies many times and I got 2 of them! 
There was so many people but I kept my hand locked over the zipper of my purse the entire time and never felt scared except for near the end of waiting in line when a strange and creepy mexican guy who ducked under the line barrier next to me kept creeping along in line with me getting closer and closer to me till I made a big loud fuss and yelled that the end of the line is back there and go away! and shooed my arms like a deranged weirdo till he scooched back in line about 10 people cause he felt stupid enough too even though he just stared at me like he couldn't comprehend....( I really did do that! and I'm proud of it!) and it was so exciting and .....

 I could go on! but I thought the wait well worth it for the price I got my groceries for! I was so excited shopping and it was so crowded and I had to wait in a long line again to buy my food, but was fun waiting (people watching). I was quite irritated at myself for getting in the line that was backed up into the fake perfumy chemical isle and ended up getting a headache waiting in line there, but I lucked out at getting the fastest line after a well trained cashier took over to let the other one go home! So the line went so fast after that!

my cute sweet puppy- I didn't even disipline him after he "unfluffed" his bear! He was just so innocently curiously watching me clean it up I couldn't "bear" to do it! I laughed and actually thought it a funny mess! It was so big!

Like the desktop on my computer??? My husband says "save the planet!" when I come up with new ideas to save $$$ cause he thinks that's why I change things and that's not true, so I came up with a better idea to show him it's not about saving the planet, but a way to live cheaply without fighting with him. (cause I could care less about "saving" the planet.) I'm not a tree hugger, but someone who would like to live a life as healthy and cheaply as I can. Surrounded with things I care about- not tons of useless chemical filled junk filling up my house! I think he thinks that way cause I like to buy things that aren't made of plastic which leaches chemicals into your food and prefer organic and things made out of natural materials that don't have harmful manmade chemicals in them!

I prefer to live this way cause since changing my living habits (going mostly chemical free), I've had less headaches and when I do get one, they aren't as bad and don't last as long as they used to!
 But maybe I'm just labeled as a wierdo tree hugger sort of person cause of the way I like to live even though I use paper and all paper products cause trees are a
I use rags though in place of paper towels not to save trees, but to save money- you just throw away money with each paper towel, but I wash laundry anyways so whats the difference of washing a few more rags? they don't make a whole new load themselves! I don't even use much!

Whew! I feel much calmer now that I ranted and raved to all you people! I don't even know who all reads my words and thoughts on here!
would be nice to know who all you people who read my words are! But I guess if you want a life of secret annonymous-ness then go ahead. :-)

Going to a Christmas party tomorrow! Will get to see my aunts and uncles and hopefully if they go-my preciously cute baby nephew who I could just eat up cause he's so sweet!

Who would of thought my sister could make the world's sweetest cutest babys!

 I never thought the most wonderful feelings of aunty-love towards your nephews could come out till I saw my very first nephew! and how special he was- and perfectly beautiful! It's a whole new loving caring nurturing feeling when they are of your own flesh and blood! and it just deepens when you see your second nephew and you realize how special and what an honor it is to be blessed with little babies who will become the next generation of your family and you get to be a part of their life as they grow! I remember all my aunts and uncles growing up and they played a huge role in my life and helped shape me with who I am today. It's almost scary to think I'm now in their shoes! I get to see this beautiful little boy grow up and get to be a part of his life cause I'll be his aunty forever! And I'm SOOOOOO lucky! I got the cutest ones!
I feel I'm getting all mushy, but it's so hard to explain the happy feelings you get when you become an aunt!

Anyways, I just noticed the sun is starting to go down and I really should finish cleaning my house! I got so much done today, I'm excited to finish! I can't believe the amounts of energy you get from eating healthy! I've been eating very little meat and dairy, (I won't cut it out entirely cause I feel there are nutrients your body needs in them) and I've been eating so much fruits and vegetables lately that strangly, I am now experiencing a new type of energy I've not felt in a very long time! I feel so energized and alive!It's strange but I can actually feel it coursing through my veins and I don't think I'm imagining it! I feel I'm coming out of my tired exhausted rut and into life the way it should be! I feel like being part of the world again!
Look out world! I'm back!
Have a great rest of your day!


  1. What an amazing blog post :) It was chock full but the part I like the best is how you shoo-ed the man away. Haha! I was laughing out loud imagining it! Good for you, though. I also feel good when I eat "natural" I wish I would just do it though. I always dream of it but then have a hard time starting. It's also cheaper to eat junk, unfortunately.
