Saturday, December 4, 2010


Last night my husband decided he needed new jeans.
He always needs new jeans.
He puts holes in them, paints in them, works in them, etc...... 
I've even caught him working in new brand new jeans!
Anyways, after 2 stores, about 30 pairs tried on, all different shapes and sizes -even from 2 pairs where the tag says they're the same size, brand and cut- we came home with none.
We tried.
 I've decided the only way my husband will probably get a pair of jeans he likes, will be ones I have to make for him. But I don't know how to sew jeans! We discussed the important issues of maybe we can get a pair tailored to fit him, and maybe he'll just have to break down and buy $175 pairs cause they fit him and ......    But in the end, we still didn't come home with a new pair.

I need to go get ready to go to Prescott for the Christmas party. I need to find my cotton tights-for under my pants cause it's cold walking to the courthouse lighting- and my nice blue warm winter jacket and hat I got for Christmas a couple years ago, and some warm shoes and mittens. I think I'm a wimp when it comes to winter, but I love the sun and heat! that's why I still live in AZ. Maybe I need to move closer to the equator or a very tropical region or something!
But then I'll get botflies. so maybe not.

I still have more Christmas gifts to buy. I have 5 people done and have 5 more to go! I'm trying to get useful gifts this year that don't just take up wasted space but will be enjoyed, but am finding it hard. I set a budget for myself cause I always overspend at Christmas, and we're trying really hard to pay off stuff. So that makes it harder.

For breakfast this morning, I had a fuji apple, almost an entire cucumber, and grapes. It doesn't sound like much, but it was a plateful cut up and I got full. I'll have a morning snack later of maybe pasta or a plate of mixed vegetables and fruits, or a green smoothie with collard greens and fruit- I havn't decided yet. For lunch, maybe some bread and a little turkey with kiwi and avocado on the side. for my afternoon snack, it's tradition to stop at the gas station at the turn between freeways on the way to Prescott to get a little snack, but I'm finding I'm truthfully feeling sick to the stomach at the thought of eating the peach rings I usually get! :-P so maybe I'll just bring along a small snack of some sort- maybe celery sticks and a package of crackers or something- maybe a "hint of salt"- inside joke. (I bought a package of crackers that advertized "A Hint of Salt!" on the box so my husband calls them "a hint of salt" as in "Can you hand me some more hint of salt?")

It's funny cause I realized this morning I went all day yesterday without meat unintentionally! I was so excited at all the fruits and vegetables we have in the house I just snacked on them all day! I even made an avocado chocolate honey vanilla pudding! wouldn't recommend it though if you don't like the flavor of honey. the recipe I found online called for agave necter and I absolutely refuse to eat that crap- it's made the exact way as High frustose corn syrup, and has the exact if not more glucose level as High fructose corn syrup. It just has a prettier name is all. It still raises your blood sugar levels the same. So I refuse to eat it.

I'll eat a whole bag of regular cane sugar before artificial syrups like corn and agave. Your liver has to process corn and agave syrup. It aparently is recognized as a poisen to your body and I avoid it as much as possible!

Anyways, I'm going to get lost in the darker depths of my garage to atempt to locate my warm clothing. Send out a search party if I don't surface within 10 minutes! Thats all I'll give myself before I'll give up.

Have a great day!

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