Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Day of the Year 2010!

Look what happened!
I sprained my wrist. don't try to turn your wrist when carriying 2 pump-pots for coffee... it doesn't help my ego that they were empty either..... just saying... I'm helping you to learn what not to do.... let the dumb people be the learning steps to your brighter knowledge! you now have the knowledge that when you're holding 2 pump pots, it's easier to set them down then try to turn your hand to re-adjust for a more "comfortable" position. You'll hear a pop, and then you find out you've strained the triangular fibrocartilage complex ligament. the doctor had a whole long sentance in big words of the detail-istics to the extent of the injury, but as he said, I didn't understand the strange words he was saying. I was glad to see the paper at the end of the visit stating "wrist sprain" cause it's easier to say....

I should've had him write the diagnosis down.....

Oh well.


At work the other day, I noticed this on the front window! That was one DIRTY BIRD!
notice the beak and head detail? and the round poooooof of it's body? and the feathers on the outstreched wings forever suspended in it's fateful unsmartful last flight for a while(if it didn't die)? the only missing detail is it's little toes as it apparently had them tucked up and thought it didn't need to land anytime soon..... What was it thinking at that time????- "JUST FLYING AND JUST STILL FLYING AND OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH LOOK!!!! SHINY AIR!!!! JUST FLY THROUGH THE SHINY AIR AND-" WHAM BAM BONK!!!!!!! "OUCH!" You'd have to be pretty dumb to not notice a dirty window -what was it doing? Flying with it's eyes closed???
you can totaly tell it was a dove! I didn't see the actual body- just an imprint, but judging on the body imprint of impact, I do believe he/she lost quite a few brain cells. Just shows I clean the windows all too well aparantly huh?

Maybe I should wash it off, but I think I will just clean around it next time and see how long it lasts. I kinda like it! I had this facination with it when I first saw it and even stopped and stared at it from all different angles, and the first thing I thought of was "Dang! I don't even have my camara with me!" and what to my delight, when I went back to clean again, it was still there!-(It's my job to wash windows there and I don't that often obviously)- So now I'm sharing it with you!

Oranges- I have 2 grocery bags full- one from work-one of the resident sons came with his truck bed full of oranges he had picked and was giving them away, the second from the neighbor. MMMMMMMM! they are so sweet! I wish mine would ripen, but we have learned from past experience and many wasted oranges later, ours don't ripen till the end of February or beginning of March! and we have about 20 on the tree this year!

I am making a roast and mashed potatoes and corn for supper tonight. seems like a nice meal for a cold day.

                              Puppy likes Papaya

I actually didn't mind the taste, and wish it could have been sweeter, but absolutely was pretty put off by the smell of it when I cut it open -reminds me of rot.

Been exhausted lately- I've started finally catching up on sleep lost from the Holidays and havn't been eating right, and I'm pretty sure I also can't handle 800mg Ibuprofin every 8 hours they perscribed me for "pain" what pain? I asked why I had to take it cause it didn't hurt and the nurse said so it doesn't swell. I guess it reduces inflamation. I took it 3 times to humor her, and after feeling high and so tired after each time, and getting a weird headache yesterday, I decided no more- it's poisening me instead and I havn't had any ill effects other than tiredness since so I'm officially cured I've decided but will leave the claustrofobic-ating brace on till the next appointment as I was asked too.

Kind of nice at work though- I have the less labor intensive parts, but still work just as hard doing other things I can do. I have a very weak wrist though- I feel like a wimp.

Arggh! never ask someone "what happened?" You'll look like a dweeb- just be comforted with the fact that you know without asking that "they got hurt" You don't NEED to know the details. It gets ANNOYING!!!! having to explain the whole sequence of events to each person. I feel like writing in permanent black marker on my shirt and saying read my shirt next time someone asks!
Sheesh!!!! nosy people!
Just say "Are you ok? Hope your ____insert hurt body part here____ feels better!" I mean not to seem rude, but the hurt person is probably not happy with their injury and it's degrading to keep having to be reminded of how they got it!
I do apreciate the fact that you care enough about me to aknowlege I'm hurt though.

anyways, gotta go, and will write next time I feel like it -like next year sometime!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!


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