Sunday, January 9, 2011

203948tag: Tired Puppy

I finally figured out how to connect a video from my YouTube channel to my blog!
Aren't you proud of me?

Now you can see a video that is not one of my best- bad lighting, bad angle, no sense making- anyways, look at it as now I can upload a video that you can see on my blog instead of trying to figure out how to get to my YouTube channel.....

It was really simple actually just click twice, and ta da!
Now I really am computer smart!

We ended up going to construction lots yesterday where they sell lots of stuff for remodeling and we bought a bathroom vanity, counter/sink, and faucet for the new house. I forgot my camara so I couldn't take pictures, but will take some next time I remember my camara! :-)

He really did clean up there! it looks livable! I wouldn't live there for the roaches, but if there weren't any, I wouldn't think twice about camping out there! Well except for the smell............  I'd get awfully cold- I would leave every single window open in the place! :-)  But definetly looks tons better over there!

I didn't accomplish much today. My wrist is 100% better I'm convinced as of yesterday for sure. It got all weird cramped up for some reason, so I took the brace off, and stretched and popped and snapped my wrist all over, and it feels normal now with no pain and I now feel I have a useless weirdo bracelet of some sort on my wrist now. But I'll just have to go throught the motions of an injured wrist for the next 2 days at work cause doctors orders I have to keep it on. I havn't used my wrist at all since the last visit exept a couple of times where I actually used it for something around 5 pounds and it actually hurt each time, so I only used it about 1-2 seconds each time.
Looking foward to Wednesday when I can convince the doctor I am cured."- I'm well! a little angel tapped me with her wand and said go out and play!"- from Bill Cosby- one of the greatest comedians ever invented.

My house is a mess! a Giant MESS! I havn't cleaned in forever! I'm glad there have been no surprise visits! cause they would have taken place at a park or something cause no one's comming in my house! I wish it would burn down.... then I could live in a tent. cause you only need to sweep out a tent and hose it down when it gets dirty....   Yeah right. I need a giant garage sale to sell all my junk is what I need....

I'm getting impatient and grumpy waiting for my house to get finished. It's still on hold. the roach house comes first.

At the new house:
Bathrooms almost complete, kitchen counters coming in about a week, flooring is next, Finding out why the AC won't turn on even though everything is in working order (from my AC fixer husband who used to work on them) It might have an electrical problem with connection to the box. then we get to landscape.

My husband had to go to mow there today cause we got a "friendly" notice from neighborhood services cause about 10 of the 1,983,0056 or so of the weeds are above 6 inches and while they were there, they noticed a pile of building materials illegally placed in the carport and the gate is in "disrepair" -in other words "not attached to fence" Why do we legally need a gate or fence that works beautifully well if the house next door who has a pool (it's empty but still) has no gate even in sight and a big huge gaping hole where one should be didn't even get a notice? how does that work?

The inteligence of city workers is insurmountable.

My husband has an idea of the identity of our "helpful" neighbor who complained- "I think it's that old guy who lives across the street about 1 house down who is always watching me work"  anyways, I wouldn't complain to neighborhood services if I saw the house looked 1,000,000 times better than it did before we started in on it.... 
I still stick to my saying that "OLD PEOPLE ARE IMPATENT!"
each of them also thinks that they are the only person in the world and the world revolves around them....... I know this cause of where I work.

I hope if I live long, I develop dementia to bring laughter to my caregivers and alzheimers so evertime I turn around, it's a whole new place (kinda like a goldfish in a bowl- everytime they swim around the bowl, it's like entering a whole new fishtank you've never seen before!)

It's fun caring for those types of people. They keep you laughing and laugh right along with you cause they think it's funny too even though they don't know why they're laughing! You just gotta hold your laughter with the serious ones though cause they have words of knowledge like you wouldn't believe that you gotta think about for days to try make sense of and you might not succeed at it cause you come to realize they don't know what they're talking about. ever. even if they really trully believe they're making sense. after the shock wears off that what they said has nothing to do with what you just said, you try come up with something to say that they can respond back with that has nothing to do with what you or they were just talking about, but there is such excitement in their eyes cause they are having a "real" conversation with someone whose actually answering back to them- it's the memory of having a conversation that's still there- not the whole reason for the conversation or the fact it should make sense.

Oh the stories I can go on about. the shells of people forgoten by their families for the caregivers to care for like their own. Some people just don't care about the elderly parts of their family tree.
It's sad really, but when you come to think of it, the only family people these people come to know and the only ones they remember are the caregivers they see everyday. that is their true family if you get what I mean. I know the people I serve there better than their family does cause I know all their most recent likes or dislikes first and who they are now. I also know what sets them off and their personalities.

and I just think. Why do people do this to their loved ones???????? I completely understand if you have no means of caring for them cause you gotta work and can't stay home to watch them or if they might just walk out of the house one night thinking they'll just walk to China to visit and get there in 5 minutes walking distance or ..... each case is different. If they are a danger to themselves, then yes put them in a home. otherwise, do all in your power to care for them! They cared for you when you had no idea what was safe or not and they weathered all kinds of trouble with you and still kept you in their home and loved you no matter what! I feel you can do the same. It is difficult, but why have someone else do your job for you???

OH BOY! How did that start? Why did I go off in a rant about old people? Oh yeah..... neighborhood services....

Sheesh! some people have no life.

anyways, I gotta get in bed cause I'm exhausted and have to get up at 5:45AM to leave by 6AM. it's my 10 minute rush before leaving(I always tend to waste 5 minutes of it trying to convince myself to just get up)
So will write more later and in the meantime, go ahead and watch my video over and over and over cause it's what you've always dreamed of. O'Kay?



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