Friday, January 14, 2011


(this took place lastnight)
 So it was night. Not a very warm night, but not too cold either. about 8:15 PM. I was happily hauling the garbage out at work, so I did the usual: open door, put kickstand down, pick up garbage bags, walk to garbage... but this time, 4 feet from the door, BAMMMMM!
the wind slammed the door behind me! and I ran to it saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  It was tramatic.
cause I know that door locks behind you....
then the realization hits. I have no keys to get back inside. I also do not have my car keys or else I would just leave. I also have no cell phone. and even if my husband did just come pick me up, My car would have to stay cause I only have 1 set of car keys.

so I'm turning the knob and hoping this time it didn't.... but it did. it was locked.
I kept saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! over and over. then I realize- well, I might as well haul out the garbage. So I do. what else can I do?
keep in mind I was wearing my servers uniform- a white dress shirt and black dress pants.
then I jumped the 20 ft fence (well it was probably 12 ft or so,) and fell on my butt. then I ran to the front door. yup, that door was still locked up. then I ran to the side and jumped that fence into the little courtyard or whatever it is and yup, that one was locked too.

So with fear that I wouldn't be able to get to a phone before someone killed me I ran towards any building with lights on only to realize they were only security lights in buildings till I noticed people leaving an office up ahead, so I ran and sprinted with my legs burning and cramping with overexertion  from climbing fences till I caught up with a van just getting ready to pull out and asked if that building was still open and the lady said "they're just locking up." then I histerically ran to the locked door and knocked and when the lady behing the counter came to unlock, very cautiously peered out at me- my shirt untucked with a large coffee stain where I spilled some ladies old cold cup of coffee I was clearing at my other job, wide and wild histerical eyes, red cheeks from running, wild hair, smelling of onions with sweat from fear pouring down, you name it, and I loudly and breathlessly asked -well pleaded- "can I please use your phone?????????? I'm locked out!!!!!!"
She let me in and let me call. She was an angel. she even wanted me to stay till a key arrived, but I was more comfortable running back to the office and hiding in the back protected by the big safe "un-get-in-able" fence till help arrived. God wanted me to still live to see another day though and my wait was uneventful. And I can't tell you the relief I felt when my husband pulled up with my brother in law's keys. I jumped the fence, and ran to the truck. I wasn't alone anymore. and all my fears and scaredness and loneliness melted away. There was my husband. there's a reason God invented Husbands. They'll come help you even if you get a picker in your toe.

I was able to finish cleaning. when I got home, I was exhausted and had HUGE bags under my eyes from stress.
But I went back there today and washed windows- most of the guys there didn't even notice there was a really cool bird imprint on the window till I showed them. they ohhhhhhhed and ahhhhhed over it and then I washed it off.

that was my night last night, and part of my day today.

I will never be without my keys in my pocket at work ever again.

My newest rage? Chia seeds! we bought some last night! they are so cool! you soak them and they gell up. they remind me of tiny frog eggs the way they look! But ohhh! they taste better then I expected! almost no taste! and the little taste they do have, is pleasant. you eat a little of them and they fill you up and you realize you don't even feel like eating more food! your'e full! I'm always snacking, so this is a good thing. they're also full of omega 3 and lots of other good nutition. and they're so tiny and cute!

anyways, gonna go now.
write more when I feel like it!

1 comment:

  1. SCARY!!!!!! Yes! - Always keep your keys in your pocket from now on! Whew! I guess all's well that ends well!
