Saturday, January 29, 2011

Oldness ready for Newness

This is my patio minus the covering. My husband pulled it down cause we're getting a new one built on Monday.

 what is surprising is how small the pile is. That all was the patio. there wasn't much to it apparently!

 This will be Cruiser's home while the covering's being built. That is a blanket in the corner. This is the side yard by my garden. The only reason he'll be there is cause we both have to work long hours and it would be mean to keep him inside 10 plus hours. Imagine his poor little bladder!
 The last freeze froze our smallest shamel ash's leaves. They were tiny fresh baby leaves barely open so they didn't stand a chance. The other Shamel smartly dropped and regrew it's leaves before Christmas so they were hardy. I hope this tree makes it!
 Our out of control lemon tree with tons of delicious lemons!
 Below is our frozen Grapefruit. the only citrus to freeze for some reason...

Cruiser peaking out from under the kitchen chair. He's tired cause we were outside doing yard work all morning even though he did nothing.

Little by little I see my house looking neater and cleaner. Coming soon within 2 weeks, I'll be working more days at work. Will be tiring, but worth it. I'll write more about that later though.

Yesterday I attempted finally to open our old solar water heater. I failed. Who knew they could built those things pretty near invincible? We then put an add on craigslist and got about 152 phone calls for the dumb thing till someone came and picked it up. found out you could make $10 -$15 off them for scrap. what a steal! I'd spend that much bringing it down to the scrapyard! and apparently people drive all around town to pick these things up so how do they make $ off them with spending so much on gas?

There's some things hard to comprehend in life!

anyways, gotta go finish cleaning! my break's finished!


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