Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall is here!


My garden fence has BALLS!
Hee hee! remind you of some people's trucks?

 And my house plants look pitiful since I'm neglecting them because of the amount of fruit flies they are growing. They've been banned from the house till they figure out how to get rid of them themselves -I want nothing to do with them until then.
 Our yard is ready for the new grass. We planted rye on Saturday and the suspense!!! When will it come up? And does it have enough water? Will birds eat it all?
 The garden is starting to show the first few signs the growing season is starting to come to an end. It's started getting colder out at night. Which means crispy brown leaves. and no more squash! Maybe.
 AND....... I bought a yoga mat, yoga gloves, and yoga socks last night. Now to practice some yoga in style. (I bought the "Tree of life" style mat because it's green). And they only had black socks and gloves!
So now that you have been updated, I shall return to life. I have to go get my car's emissions tested today, and dust my house, clean the bathrooms, and get my house in some type of order before tomorrow. I start work again. this will be my last 4 day weekend for a while. We are going to go to the same 2 days off each week instead of 10 days on, 4 days off.

I have also decided that there will be little to no eating out. We will be eating all our food at home, so I need to see about making some meals to freeze so I don't have to cook every night.

I would like to only eat home cooked meals, but sometimes I just don't have the energy and time to with work. And it was coming to be more and more frequent, so NO MORE!!!!

I gotta get busy! So Have A Great Day!!!!

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