Saturday, October 1, 2011


Look what my garden gave today! (That's my blue wheelbarrow)
  • 7 squash
  • 2 Armenian cucumbers
  • 1 large watermelon
  • ALL on the large side! (except 3 squash!)
I noticed 1 squash here the other day and thought: 'Oh! I'll just pick it when it grows bigger tomorrow!' Then I forgot to go out yesterday morning and now today, They multiplied! They triplified! They... you get the point. AND THE PLANTS ARE STILL GROWING HEALTHY!
But all this? I'm supposed to go on vacation in less than 3 days! I won't be here to eat all this! And my freezer is full...AND I'm outta canning jars.... give them to MOM?? MY SISTER??(The one who just had a baby) MY NEIGHBOR??
Meanwhile, The beans are busy still growing leaves and flowers. Aren't they pretty? They've reached the top of their tower and still are growing beyond. But no beans!
I still am excited, but last night, I think I have mostly given up and that I'm never ever going to get to Disneyland! I keep thinking I'm a day later than I really am so I have to wait an "extra" day. and to make it worse, yesterday and last night just dragged along and took FOR-E-VER! And I ended up getting a a small headache cause guess why? clouds are moving in! And I just now remembered they're painting the walls at work and it smelled of paint all day! Isn't that exciting?

 So I skipped supper last night, ate a bowl of sherbet and some tylonal instead, and went to bed early about 8:30 or 9:00. And didn't get up till 7:30 right on the dot! (except when the dog got me up 5:20am to go out...)

I still have the small starts of my headache, and today is my cleaning day at home and I'm sitting here! So I better go get started on my day so I can get to Disneyland sooner! Or else we'll have to leave late! So I'll write more hopefully before I leave!

Have a great day!

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