Monday, February 27, 2012

Winter Services Aftermath

 Big blister on my baby toe, and ouchies on my big toes.
I always wear shoes that hurt. and always have to suffer the concequences afterwards. I havn't been able figure out why...

So, Winter Services are done, and Life will go on as normal now. It feels like I live at the church 4 days out of each year. This time, it was so much fun and it was just the perfect amount of time. Last night we went to my great uncle and aunt's house for a hot dog roast. A perfect ending to a good weekend.

I get one day to recover myself and recover my house before it turns into one of those hoarder houses before work tomorrow.

I never got it clean in time for Services... And no one came over. So it didn't matter. Notes for next year, get it clean before so I don't have to worry the entire time, and don't have to clean on my only day off after wards.

So, busy I'll be cleaning. I have so much laundry still. Baskets full. I can finally put them into the linen closet!!!! I never thought I'd have so much linen closet stuff! We got so many towels from our wedding, and I just cannot justify giving the excess away. I feel it will be nice to not have to buy towels for a while. It's been 7 1/2 years already, and some are seeing wear and tear, but I guess we are not rough on our towels. The ones we havn't used yet are still brand new looking and I'm excited to use them in our newly painted bathrooms because they'll look so pretty with the paint color!

Some day I'll give you a tour of my linen closets. I have to go clean and fold laundry and try organize what belongs in what closet...

See you later!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

AM Visits me

The morning came today. It gave me energy. It woke me up, and I put another load to go, and folded another. I attempted to try figure out what to put in what closet. After my husband got up, I tried out a comforter set I had gotten from my aunt when she moved a long time ago who had gotten it from her sister before that.
 It is a very tropical print and I don't think it goes well with my new red paint and modern style furniture.
 HUGE flowers. The colors make me think it's Christmas time and it especially looks so in these pictures. Almost as if it's poinsettia and holly leaves/berries. Looks like my quilt I've sewn my entire life won't go either... I guess I'll never have to finish it! :-)
Care to help me pick a color for my living room wall? It looks so plain and empty right now and after painting my room, my first thought was how about my living room wall? And I turned around and taped the sample colors up. Now to pick one out... why do I do things like this to myself?

Well, gotta go and get my house in some kind of order cause what if someone comes over during winter services???

If it weren't for company, my house would never get clean!

See you later!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The early bird gets the worm

My day started about 2:30AM today. It was actually sometime before that. I just woke up, tossed and turned a while, got a drink of water, tried to go back to sleep, and 4:22 decided FORGET IT! So up I got. I have 2 loads of laundry going, I emptied one of those white shelves in my craft room worked it into the other, and placed my husbands books,CD's, and games into it. It's not completely organized, but it's getting there.

I also went into the garage to get the 2 boxes and a bag of linen closet items to sort and wash. Because guess why! My husband painted the linen closet!!!!!!
He told me last night. There! I've finished the house! Now we can get rid of that pile in the garage!
So excitement mounts as I see the end in sight.

I guess we'll have to figure out some sort of closet shelving system so I can put my decorations away. They have no place still. They are strewn across the craft room floor. I suppose after the wall paint is cured, we can hang pictures and mirrors and anything else that can't touch the wall right now. Then I'll have to go through the rest and either get rid of it, or find a place to store it until we can decorate with it. I have a ton of Christmas stuff I should weed out.

My day started early, and I hope to get a lot done. It is 7AM, I just finished a breakfast of chocolate chip cookies and cranberry juice, so it's time to get back to it! I hope I don't burn out! I still have to go to work 11-7! But I suppose I'll sleep well tonight!

Have a happy day!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

New developments

(Shock induced sharp intake of breath) *gasp*
There is a wall in my laundry room.

Not a small wall that only goes waist high, but a huge permenent wall from floor to ceiling. My husband claims it will hold metal shelving for my pantry.

I guess I imagined a shorter wall not so drastic. My first thoughts were now there's less sunlight!
But I guess after so long of nothing being done in my laundyroom, there it is. CHANGE. My husband's first words were you're not going to like this.

And yup.

Happy Sunday!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Scariness on Libby

Guess what? That loud helicopter alarm clock yesterday morning was all for a lady who was shot at 7 times, 3 that hit her, all because of an attempted something by 3 men. She drove 1/2 mile to the end of our street till help arrived.

The "feel safe" level for me in my neighborhood just plunged to drastic levels.

They haven't found them yet. She is 23 years old. a couple years younger than me. I am worried it could happen again....       to me.

Now I get to decorate!

I've gotta go clean my home so I can relax on my 2 days off! So I'll see you later!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I give up.

After a long day yesterday, I went to bed at 11:30PM.

About 7:50 am I heard an ambulance. Then I heard a helicopter. Then another. and that last one was LOUD! So after waiting patiently for it to go away, and still trying to sleep, I GAVE UP! I let the dog out, and peeked around. We had one helicopter circling, and ONE DIRECTLY ABOVE OUR HOUSE! WHY?????!!!???
I wish I knew why. I came inside and told my husband to forget sleeping it was DIRECTLY above our house and wasn't going anywhere, and not veering off course. It was here to stay.  I took this picture from peeking out from under the patio.
I still hear helicopters!
Happy morning to you all! I'm awake!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I forgot!

Oh my goodness! I knew very well when I woke up and also all day long that it was Valentines Day and that it was my birth state's 100th Birthday! But do you know what I did? I forgot to tell you!


So there you go. I was so shocked this morning I woke up at 3:30 and that's what I was thinking. and I couldn't fall asleep till 5:30  I was so disturbed I had forgotten!

My "Creative" celebratory pictures for the day:

And to think I had all day yesterday to find more creative pictures and I forgot...

So have a happy day today! :-)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My kitchen changed.

My kitchen without all the little appliances on the counters:
 My appliances on the small sideboard:
 Yesterday, it sold. So my kitchen today has appliances back on the counters:
Guess I won't have to cook huh?

Have a great day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Holy Cow the pain! And paint!

Saturday I got home from work early, and my husband was out fishing. So I lazed around the house. Come supper time, My husband hadn't returned, and why make a whole meal for just me? so I ate:
  • 2 homemade buttermilk biscuits
  • about 1/2 cup leftover kale chips
  • and a whole 1 lb 13 oz can of peaches.
I got a little stomach ache from all that, and figured oh well it'll go away in a while. Figured it was because of the large volume of food (like all those peaches and the juice from them as well).

It didn't go away and just stayed there. I kept getting up all night long in the worst pain imaginable. I was gassy, burpy, and bloated. Sometime around 3AM, I puked from the pain. I know it was from the pain because it was only about 1 Tablespoon worth. I felt so nauseous and nasty and painful. It burned and burned! You know that feeling of just wanting to either puke it all up or have it come out the other end? Neither of that happened.

So I was in pain and couldn't move, but if I didn't, it would get painful anyways. NOTHING could touch my belly.

My husband saved me by going to the store in the morning and buying me these:
I was a whole 24 hours till it felt better and I swear my stomach is still mottled with holes like Swiss cheese. But it's so much better!

 NEW BED FOR MY MATTRESS (that's my kitchen table it's on)
 And while my husband painted, I cleaned the counters. My kitchen is so happy with all the appliances off the counters! I feel like cooking and cleaning!
So that is the pain and paint post for you today. I am back to normal now except if I don't eat breakfast, I shall have a new Swiss cheese hole in my stomach. My acid levels are up and I am officially acidic. I must be getting old.
Don't ever eat that much peaches in one sitting.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A new Buffet and more

Thursday night, my husband took me to a store he had found a buffet at. I had a migraine that evening, and was so tired from it. But this buffet resulted in going there.
 It matches our kitchen table in style only. The colors and wood are different, and it makes my monstrous table look so small now.
But here it is, and I have a new buffet, but I can't put my appliances on it. (my husband said so) So I asked my husband if I could keep the other one he had bought on Craigslist. He wants to sell it and get his money back because it is the complete wrong style for our house. I absolutely do not like the leg style.
 Would have been perfect if the legs didn't bow, and the bottom board didn't bow under the weight of anything you put on it.
So that is the buffet story.

Yesterday morning, just before 6 AM, I received a phone call from my 6:30AM server about how their throat hurt, and they were hoping it would go away during the night, and it didn't...
Yeah. I worked from 6:56AM -7:03PM yesterday. I am feeling tired today, but as luck would have it, "Oh dang! I can't go over 37.5 hours!" So today I'll be working 11-3PM or until I hit 37.5 hours. DANG!

I'm going to make myself clean the office right now so this afternoon when my husband is awake and I come home, we can WORK ON MY GARDEN!!!! YAY!!!

So la de da de, Ta Da!
I'll see you later! Have a splendtastic day!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Dog

Last night, I sewed up Cruizer's monkey. (He's eaten the ears off and chewed the tail off also).
Me and Cruizer had a long discussion about it-Me to Cruizer-"Cruizer- You know there's a zipper on this right? You didn't have to pull the head off to pull out the stuffing. Why didn't you just use the zipper?" (that's not my foot by the way- it belongs to the neighbor dog.)

1/2 way through sewing it, We decided to load the dog up and go to Pet'Smart.

While we were there, We were happily walking around, when he lifted his leg. And. Peeeeeed. on. a shelf.       one with picture frames.      and he peeeeeeed on 2 of them.... and the shelf..... and the floor.....         (It's shocking how much pee can come out of such a tiny hole so fast when you don't want it to in the 1 second till you tell him to stop!)       And I had to go ask a worker if they had any paper towels cause my dog tinkled on their floor...... I didn't tell him it was on 2 picture frames, or on the shelf.... He led me to one of their wonderful "OOPS!" stations conveniently located  throughout the store..... yeah. fun. cleaning dog pee pee.  Funny how both the dog and my husband disappeared after I went to get the towels...
We then showed Cruizer the bones, and he recognized the smell right away and did his little begging asking for one right there in the store. He still was Mr. greedy-pants-I-want-a-bone-right-now even after the cashier gave him one. 
Do you know they have this cool (real) fire hydrant right in front of their store? Cruizer peed on that too.....

When we got home, He got all excited about his monkey until he remembered his bones and had to have 3 in a row to make up for not having them for 3 days.
I finished sewing up his monkey and told him to use the zipper next time because it's going in the garbage if I have to sew him up one more time.
Do you think he'll listen?
He's thinking about it...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hi! POP! Butt!

Here is Cruizer last night:
I made a loop in the balloon string and looped it over his head. He immediately tried to grab it to pop it. We laughed so hard at him and I grabbed my camera, so you missed some, but right after he went into the room, he went to his bed, trapped it between his mouth and the bed, and POP!
He was so satisfied.

Last night, one of my girl servers (an African American who is straight and getting engaged soon to a guy) came walking by, smacked my butt, and said "I'm hatin' on you're big butt!"

Oh jeez! and I thought my butt was a source of fatness. (and it jiggles while I walk!) But I guess, she has NOTHING there so... but... EEEEW! Does she look at my butt and envy it all day? Guess I need to work out to tone it down. but I've always had a huge bubble butt! Any ideas?

Me always being self conscious of my fat butt feels weird knowing someone is envious of it's gigantimous size!

Hmmm. I'll have to walk around with my butt facing the walls from now on... Maybe if I clench my cheeks they will look smaller...?

Have a fun day!