Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Dog

Last night, I sewed up Cruizer's monkey. (He's eaten the ears off and chewed the tail off also).
Me and Cruizer had a long discussion about it-Me to Cruizer-"Cruizer- You know there's a zipper on this right? You didn't have to pull the head off to pull out the stuffing. Why didn't you just use the zipper?" (that's not my foot by the way- it belongs to the neighbor dog.)

1/2 way through sewing it, We decided to load the dog up and go to Pet'Smart.

While we were there, We were happily walking around, when he lifted his leg. And. Peeeeeed. on. a shelf.       one with picture frames.      and he peeeeeeed on 2 of them.... and the shelf..... and the floor.....         (It's shocking how much pee can come out of such a tiny hole so fast when you don't want it to in the 1 second till you tell him to stop!)       And I had to go ask a worker if they had any paper towels cause my dog tinkled on their floor...... I didn't tell him it was on 2 picture frames, or on the shelf.... He led me to one of their wonderful "OOPS!" stations conveniently located  throughout the store..... yeah. fun. cleaning dog pee pee.  Funny how both the dog and my husband disappeared after I went to get the towels...
We then showed Cruizer the bones, and he recognized the smell right away and did his little begging asking for one right there in the store. He still was Mr. greedy-pants-I-want-a-bone-right-now even after the cashier gave him one. 
Do you know they have this cool (real) fire hydrant right in front of their store? Cruizer peed on that too.....

When we got home, He got all excited about his monkey until he remembered his bones and had to have 3 in a row to make up for not having them for 3 days.
I finished sewing up his monkey and told him to use the zipper next time because it's going in the garbage if I have to sew him up one more time.
Do you think he'll listen?
He's thinking about it...

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