Monday, February 27, 2012

Winter Services Aftermath

 Big blister on my baby toe, and ouchies on my big toes.
I always wear shoes that hurt. and always have to suffer the concequences afterwards. I havn't been able figure out why...

So, Winter Services are done, and Life will go on as normal now. It feels like I live at the church 4 days out of each year. This time, it was so much fun and it was just the perfect amount of time. Last night we went to my great uncle and aunt's house for a hot dog roast. A perfect ending to a good weekend.

I get one day to recover myself and recover my house before it turns into one of those hoarder houses before work tomorrow.

I never got it clean in time for Services... And no one came over. So it didn't matter. Notes for next year, get it clean before so I don't have to worry the entire time, and don't have to clean on my only day off after wards.

So, busy I'll be cleaning. I have so much laundry still. Baskets full. I can finally put them into the linen closet!!!! I never thought I'd have so much linen closet stuff! We got so many towels from our wedding, and I just cannot justify giving the excess away. I feel it will be nice to not have to buy towels for a while. It's been 7 1/2 years already, and some are seeing wear and tear, but I guess we are not rough on our towels. The ones we havn't used yet are still brand new looking and I'm excited to use them in our newly painted bathrooms because they'll look so pretty with the paint color!

Some day I'll give you a tour of my linen closets. I have to go clean and fold laundry and try organize what belongs in what closet...

See you later!

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