Saturday, January 18, 2014

My Garden

Here is an update on my patio garden. This is all I have left:
I re potted some and pulled other plants out for the garbage, and trimmed.
Notice my sad rosemary Christmas tree plant? (It's the middle pot pictured below) I noticed it was dying indoors during Christmas. I put it out doors and kept it watered and happy in the sun where they like to be, and it kept dying. I got so sad. I finally looked real close at it and realized it was made of 2 plants. 1 of the plants completely died as well as 1/2 the other surviving one and so I cut out all the dead and re potted it into my rosemary pot where my last rosemary was so happy until I killed it. We'll see how it does. So far, so good.
1 of my cactus's rotted so I re potted my 2 baby cactus's into that pot. They somehow miraculously survived my bad watering skills that killed my beloved rosemary plant last summer (which was non existent because I was trying to survive myself while over-working), while I somehow over watered the other cactus? I can't figure out cactus's. All I know is I despise planting cactus's! Owch! 
I am still very impressed at my 3 date palms happily surviving somehow with a tiny bit of dirt left in each pot. I really need to put more dirt into the bottom of each pot. (I have a whole pot of dirt with worms in it in the top picture.)
You might have also noticed the yellow sticks in the pot below the table on the right side? That's my pot of 4 asparagus plants. I decided they don't each need their own pot. I didn't care what they thought. I was sick of their ugly looks too so I cut the tops off. I felt so brutal but I didn't care. They are one of the most ugliest but tastiest plants out there. They finally turn yellow and die off in the winter. Just the last couple weeks they finally went from green to turning yellow. After their rude transplanting and disturbing of their roots, we'll see if they even come back in a month or 2 when it warms up.
It has been so warm here this "winter" that I have kept my windows and doors open most of the time. We'll see if it even turns into real winter this "winter".

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